Spindoctor (@spindoctor)

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  • @spindoctor


    Thank you for your help!

    I finally made it!

    I learned a lot about cookies and databases, but in fact, after 2 days, the problem was easy to solve:

    After copying those 8 keys to my wp-config.php, I copied THE SAME lines to my bb-config.php. It took me quite a long time to find out, that most variables in bbpress have “BB_” in the front.

    After renaming “AUTH_KEY” to “BB_AUTH_KEY” and so on, everything was working as supposed.

    Maybe pointing this fact out would make this instruction even more foolproof!?

    Thank you for your help!!!!




    (sorry for the strange signs inside of the pseudo-links. it should be “<” or “>”)




    I also try to integrate Cookies, but I don’t succeed.

    This might be due to the issue, that it’s not possible for me to follow every step of gerikgs instruction (by the way thank you for posting this instruction).

    Here’s what I did:

    my blog adress is http://www.<domain>/<home-folder>/

    my wordpress adress is http://www.<domain>/<home-folder>/wordpress/

    my bbpress adress is http://www.<domain>/<home-folder>/wordpress/bbpress/

    (As I have no write-access on <domain> or <domain>/<home-folder>/, I had to keep the “www.”.)

    Besides, I changed the table-prefixes of wordpress and bbpress to “<string>wp_” and “<string>bbpress_” when I installed wordpress and bbpress.

    To integrate bbpress-cookies with wordpress, I changed the keys in wp-config.php and bb-config.php, just as described by gerikg.

    Afterwards I changed Integration Settings in bbpress, so that WP-Admins are Keymasters in bbpress and every other role is member. (Again I had to keep the WWW in the URLs.) Sadly, the keys were not inactive…

    Then I added “define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/<home folder>/’ );” (the plugin told me to add “define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/<home folder>/wordpress/’ );”, but when I did this I had problems with the cookies in wordpress itself, so I removed “wordpress/”)

    Maybe that’s not surprising, but Cookie-Integration still doesn’t work.

    I there a way to get Cookie-Integration working, with this setup?

    Thank you for your help!!!

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