OK, in one things I probably make mistake
I try to install bbP 1.0 theme using 2.0 version. bbP 2.0 use WordPress theme, am I right? (sorry for my stupid question but I’m just started with bbPress.)
I install Frisco theme (one of this: https://buddypress.org/extend/themes/)
And I still can’t see “add Topic” button. I try everything, every official theme and nothing 
What should I do to have “Add topic” button? Exactly like on this forum 
PS. I don’t know why but I’m still have this notice:
“Your active theme does not include bbPress template files. Your forums are using the default styling included with bbPress.”
I use Frisco theme, bbPress 2.0, buddyPress 1.5 and WP 3.2.1: