Forum Replies Created
I found this site, very useful for anyone trying to install/configure php on windows server:
Following the above article, and related mysql & wordpress articles, all now works.
The physical directory structure is as follows:
Directory of
20/07/2009 10:59 <DIR> .
20/07/2009 10:59 <DIR> ..
19/07/2009 15:14 <DIR> bb-admin
19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-cache
19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-plugins
19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-includes
19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-images
19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-templates
20/07/2009 13:17 1,691 bb-config.php
05/03/2008 04:32 816 bb-load.php
12/02/2009 00:21 1,037 bb-login.php
24/04/2008 19:06 1,673 bb-config-sample.php
23/04/2008 11:29 1,647 bb-post.php
30/12/2008 23:14 445 bb-reset-password.php
26/08/2008 20:15 13,433 bb-settings.php
12/02/2009 00:21 822 bb-edit.php
26/02/2007 22:48 651 edit.php
12/02/2009 00:21 1,076 favorites.php
22/01/2007 08:40 449 forum.php
22/01/2007 08:40 450 index.php
03/01/2008 00:57 17,986 license.txt
12/02/2009 00:21 308 profile-base.php
17/12/2008 07:57 4,782 profile-edit.php
15/03/2008 02:40 851 profile.php
03/01/2008 00:57 855 readme.txt
05/03/2008 04:32 1,623 register.php
25/04/2008 14:09 4,349 rss.php
29/01/2008 20:11 1,402 search.php
05/03/2008 04:32 238 statistics.php
12/02/2009 00:21 574 tag-add.php
12/03/2008 07:46 661 tag-remove.php
22/01/2007 08:40 433 tags.php
19/07/2009 15:46 3,293 testdb.php
03/01/2008 00:57 1,312 topic.php
03/01/2008 00:57 756 view.php
27 File(s) 63,613 bytes
IIS is configured for several websites, each with it’s own ip address allocated. The URL I’m using to configure bbpress is
The ‘newintranet’ website is allocated ip address
The mysql settings in the bb-config file is as follows:
define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘bbpress’);
define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘Forum’);
// the user Forum has been granted all privileges to the bbpress db
define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘Forum’);
define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);
// mysql is installed on the same IIS server listening on ip standard port 3306
define(‘BBDB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);
define(‘BBDB_COLLATE’, ‘utf8_general_ci’);