Did that work for you juggledean?
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^yourdomain.com$
RewriteRule ^folder/folder/?(.*)$ “http
//yourdomain.com/folder/$1″ [R=301,L]
Sorry, my ISP requires a lot of escapes
Yeah, I eventually uncommented the code and went the .htaccess route. I was hoping someone with more php experience or a developer could identify the issue based on those few changes.
Oops I meant to say lines 938 and 939 in bbp-user-template.php.
The change for bbp-common-template.php worked for the logout, but for the login for the widget I had to comment out lines 938 and 939:
//$redirect_to = apply_filters( ‘bbp_user_login_redirect_to’, ” );
//bbp_redirect_to_field( $redirect_to );
I still have problems using the the WordPress meta for log out. Has anyone figured anymore of this out?