Shawn74 (@shawn74)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @shawn74



    I declared as Avatar then i used this code inside theme’s function php file:

    add_post_type_support('forum', array('thumbnail'));
    function ks_forum_icons() {
    	if ( 'forum' == get_post_type() ) {
    		global $post;
    	    if ( has_post_thumbnail($post->ID) )
    	    	echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID,'thumbnail',array('class' => 'alignleft forum-icon'));

    Then i changed the img.avatar style (hope to have not changed anithing else…)




    P.s. the working code (at least for me) is the one posted by @aashepaa

    Thanks again…



    thanks for the tip, it’s working perfectly…now i have a picture before the Forum Title…excatly what i need…

    Anyway i need to know how to edit it’s CSS style…

    I’m using Firebug and i was able to edit the CSS style for the topic’s thumbnails to get identical as the buddypress one…with a circle box as border…
    You should see here hxxp://

    Unfortunately when i analyze the picture your code added, i have no idea on how to find a CSS line to modify…i get only html div span body etc etc

    I tried to change the class name to ‘Thumbnail’ and i got a perfect thumbnail…. i changed it to Avatar but no result…i also declred it exactly like the Buddypress do…but nothing to do, the picture come back to the default one…

    Please sorry for my really wild and bad english 🙂

    Thank you so much…

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