Serchgdl (@serchgdl)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @serchgdl


    I was the same on my site, google searching I found this, I do not remember where I found it but works.

    You must add the following to functions.php of your chil theme, for the title:

    //Titulo bbpress
    add_filter( ‘aioseop_title’, ‘packeteater_bbpress_forum_title’ );
    function packeteater_bbpress_forum_title( $title ) {
    if ( is_post_type_archive( ‘forum’ ) ) {
    $title = “Your forum tittle”;
    return $title;

    And for the description:

    //Descripcion bbpress
    add_filter( ‘aioseop_description’, ‘packeteater_bbpress_forum_description’ );
    function packeteater_bbpress_forum_description( $description ) {
    if ( is_post_type_archive( ‘forum’ ) ) {
    $description = “Your forum description”;
    return $description;

    I hope it helps you



    As always apologize for my English, it is a translation from google translator. Searching google I got an answer of course to bbpress forums.

    The patch works, provided that the issue of the response is made by the author. If it is effected by a moderator or administrator keeps repeating in the line of activity

    I looked directly into buddypress forums, but as is almost always the subject had no answer, linking to the core or incompressible explanations and as always in this forum recommend hiring a developer and close the issue. It seems that they forgot the essence of wordpress: Community.

    In fact it seems that in the future buddypress will be absorbed by bbpress. It’s just my appreciation and sorry to say nonsense.

    WP 4.6
    bbPress 2.5.10
    Buddypress 2.6.2

    The patch works, as long as the issue is made by the author.




    Sorry respond so late, I was waiting for a response from the developers of the plugin, but I guess they are very busy and have not had time …

    Smilies remain “disappeared”, but I found a temporary solution to this plugin which by the way I liked it.

    P.S. I have the latest versions of WordPress and bbPress.




    Thank you very much for the reply @casiepa, it works, but unfortunately as mentioned in the thread, it is so effective that also shows hidden forums 🙂 Either way it is a solution.



    Any ideas?

    This is my site
    Wordpress 4.4.1
    bbPress 2.5.8

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