senatorman (@senatorman)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @senatorman


    I have it working now, and there is still a big problem a can’t solved.

    When i convert a big phpbb forum to bbpress the relation between post and author get lost.

    Pleas help me with this big problem



    Is there somebody with the same versions (phpbb to 3.1.9 and use BBpress 2.6 alpha) with a working import from a pbpbb database?

    If yes, can you send me your the phpbb.php file please



    i’ve update phpbb to 3.1.9 and use BBpress 2.6 alpha

    I’ve downloaded te latest version of the phpbb.php importfilefrom:

    When i run the converting i get this error:

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    WordPress databasefout: [Unknown column ‘forums.forum_topics_real’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT convert(forums.forum_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_id,convert(forums.parent_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS parent_id,convert(forums.forum_topics_approved USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_topics_approved,convert(forums.forum_posts_approved USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_posts_approved,convert(forums.forum_topics_real USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_topics_real,convert(forums.forum_posts USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_posts,convert(forums.forum_name USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_name,convert(forums.forum_desc USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_desc,convert(forums.left_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS left_id,convert(forums.forum_type USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_type,convert(forums.forum_status USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_status FROM phpbb_forums AS forums LIMIT 0, 100
    Geen forums te converteren
    Verwijder standaard wachtwoorden van WordPress gebruikers (500 – 599)
    Verwijder standaard wachtwoorden van WordPress gebruikers (400 – 499)
    Verwijder standaard wachtwoorden van WordPress gebruikers (300 – 399)
    Verwijder standaard wachtwoorden van WordPress gebruikers (200 – 299)
    Verwijder standaard wachtwoorden van WordPress gebruikers (100 – 199)
    Verwijder standaard wachtwoorden van WordPress gebruikers (0 – 99)
    Gebruikers aan het converteren (500 – 599)
    Gebruikers aan het converteren (400 – 499)
    Gebruikers aan het converteren (300 – 399)
    Gebruikers aan het converteren (200 – 299)
    Gebruikers aan het converteren (100 – 199)
    Gebruikers aan het converteren (0 – 99)
    Geen gegevens om op te schonen
    Conversie starten



    i have do the pbpbb update to the newest version 3.1.9.

    And there is still a problem.
    When i run the import, the import is not starting.
    Only the loadingcircle is visable

    What do i wrong or is there a bug in the phpbb convertingfile?



    i’ve do the import completly but also this version lost relation between post and user.

    So i think there is no other option and i must upgrade my phpbb to 3.1



    Thank you for the links i was looking for.

    I going to try the 3.0 importversion. When it works i saved me a lot off work.

    Is this not the version that lost relation between post and author?



    I understand that there is no support for older versions phpbb 3.0.x and that this feature only have to work with the latest versions. But iám not happy with that.

    I have a huge (+1000K posts) phpbb 3.0.x forum with a lot of extra custom contributions and will stop with phpbb becausse phpbb is not populair anymore. support is bad and there is no evolution.

    To update a huge forum to phpbb3.1 it is a lot of strugling and not easy to do.
    Now i’ve to do it, and hope there are not data lost.

    Is there a old plugin available to import pbp3.0.x with is working fine with huge database?
    The last version of the import has problems and lost the relation between post and owner.



    Same problem here with exact same error

    Unknown column ‘profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_website’ in ‘field list’



    how big?

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