1) is it not possible for forum moderators to receive email notices of pending comments/replies, from which they could then approve those posts?
and 2) Using Role Manager, for the Subscriber role if I uncheck “publish_topics”, then the Subscriber can’t publish comments/replies either. I want subscribers to be able to add comments/replies (so the edit_replies, publish_replies, edit_posts, publish_posts are all checked), but not create new topics.
1) is it not possible for forum moderators to receive email notices of pending comments/replies, from which they could then approve those posts?
and 2) Using Role Manager, for the Subscriber role if I uncheck “publish_topics”, then the Subscriber can’t publish comments/replies either. I want subscribers to be able to add comments/replies (so the edit_replies, publish_replies, edit_posts, publish_posts are all checked), but not create new topics.
Addendum: I’d also installed the Members plugin, but deactivated it as I was troubleshooting this.