Stefano Lissa (@satollo)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Moderation words



    Hi, I’m unsing that patch in a couple of sites, and it seems to work. Where do you think there is a problem? In my blogs I’ve just added a filter which replaces the moderation key used by bbpress (the variable $blacklist in the code which initially contains the moderation keys of WordPress).

    Bye, Stefano.

    In reply to: Moderation words



    I’ve just created a ticket, hopefully in the correct way…


    In reply to: Moderation words



    Ok, where could I send a patch? Should I create an SVN patch or just give a description on where to add the code?

    Thank you, Stefano.

    In reply to: Moderation words



    Looking at the code it seems there is no way to hook into that option in a easy way. One should hook into get_options for the moderation_key option but find a way to determine he is in the bbpress contect and not in the comment moderation context. If needed I can write the patch to bbpress for that, it’s one line of code!




    Hi, I’m a developer and I can change bbPress if needed, but as you know mods on a plugin are removed on plugin update. Since bbPress has many “hooks”, that was an idea for a new one :-).

    Have a nice day, Stefano.



    Hi, to which address are you receiving notification? bbpress uses “bcc” to send notifications but add a “to” address to each outgoing email (probably because not all mail servers accept only the “bcc” address).

    The “to” address is noreply@yoursite.tld (if not change by other plugins), it could be this address ends in your mailbox?

    They change the noreply address since few versions, before the noreply address was built in a wrong way creating a log of bounced messages.


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