rvlawrence (@rvlawrence)

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  • In reply to: Future of bbPress



    Wow, I can’t believe the “Matt” actually wrote back to me. :-)

    One of the reasons why I went with WordPress is the strength of the plugins and community. I toyed a bit with Joomla but the interface stinks, and it’s too difficult to use and not pretty behind the scenes. People say that it’s stronger than WordPress and more adaptable but I think WordPress is quickly surpassing it as the defacto blogging/CMS building tool. New users like me can get up and running quickly and it’s fun to use!!! Joomla was nothing but a nightmare, ugly and not enjoyable at all. The people in their community are ok to deal with but many are tech-snobs. Thank you WordPress!!!

    Any other information on BBpress is appreciated, including a timeline of features to come and integration. Please give us a peek to what the future holds…



    Wow that would be great to have!!!!

    In reply to: Future of bbPress



    Hi Pickled, are you using buddypress as well? Trying to figure out all the theme issues is a real problem.

    In reply to: When bbpress 1.0.3?



    As soon as BBpress is integrated into the control panel of WordPress as a plugin or built in option, then everyone will start using it. The increased activity will mean more people and more developers and more plugins and MORE VALUE FOR US ALL. The secret to unlocking BBpress is to make it dead simple to install, integrate and use.

    Simplepressforum.com has a HUGE advantage and head start over BBpress, but the admin interface is a bit clumsy and not easy to use nor very pretty. They also only have a handful of people developing it. Imagine how much farther it would be along, if hundreds of BBpress people went over to help polish up Simplepressforum.

    I am hopeful that BBpress will take off, but an idea of future features and a roadmap would be helpful.

    In reply to: Future of bbPress



    Hi Matt, I think you could learn a lot from simplepressforum.com

    If you could make BBpress as easy to use as that, everyone would use it. Make BBpress a plugin with full integration into the control panel and 1 click installation.

    Right now, it’s like frankencoding trying to get all these things, BBpress, WordPress MU and Buddypress to all work together.

    Make BBpress and Buddypress an already built-in option in the wordpress control panel that we simply have to check off to activate and everyone would use it.

    Also, when is buddypress coming to single member wordpress installations?

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