Thanks! I changed the file template-functions.php according to the fix/patch and now everything works again!
After the upgrade to 2.5 there are CSS errors because the include is broken! The cause is that the programmers didn’t thought about people hosting WordPresss (and bbpress) on Windows platforms. (Windows uses a different slash and different directory root/paths).
See my other topic about this. I’m hoping for a 2.5.1 fix 😉
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)…esswp-contentpluginsbbpress/templates/default/css/bbpress.css?ver=2.5-5199
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)…dpresswp-contentpluginsbbpress/templates/default/js/editor.js?ver=2.5-5199
Note that the slashes are missing from the ‘plugin_dir’ part.
I think the problem is within the “private function setup_globals” of the bbpress.php file or the “public function __construct” of the bbpress-functions.php file.
(masked my directory and sitename with XXXXXXX)