Forum Replies Created
In reply to: PHP Version
As far as I can easily test, all seems ok, but under 8.1 you get a load of php warnings for wordpress itself.
From this trac ticket
WP think that as this only shows when debug turned on it is fine, but as I always have it on in my test site because I am developing, it displays all over the place, so I’ve gone back to 8.0.x
In reply to: PHP VersionI’d be very surprised if the authors are actively testing with php versions.
Usually, you’d just deal with any errors – I’ve heard of none with 8.0.x or 8.1.x
my test site is running fine with 8.0.25 which will have security support for another year.
I’ll bump it to 8.1 and let you know of anything I find 🙂
In reply to: First Name Onlycould do, but what happens when you have ‘Fred Jones’ and ‘Fred Smith’ both contributing to a topic – it would be very confusing.
In reply to: Seeking recommendationworking on it – give me another day or so !!
In reply to: Seeking recommendationsorry, it caused errors, so I withdrew it
I’ll look again in the next few days
In reply to: Seeking recommendationok, I’ve just added subscription management from the toolkit plugin to
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>subscription management
In reply to: Sort topics in a ForumIn reply to: Customizing bbp User Profile Pageswhat theme are you using?
In reply to: How Do I link to Profile Pageyou can change the WordPress profile to bbpress using the
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>login>option 6
In reply to: Seeking recommendationsorry, no other plugin does this as far as I know
but yes, you get some gobbledegook, which you then post here
In reply to: Seeking recommendationok, you will need to enable debugging to see exactly where the error is
so either enable this is wp-config
or use one of the debug plugins such as ‘Debug Switch’
In reply to: Seeking recommendationok, quite an old plugin I wrote, it may well be that it doesn’t work now
In reply to: Topic not showing: Conflict with The Events Calendarok, did you log a support ticket with them?
corrected go back to the page and you should be able to download
In reply to: Topic not showing: Conflict with The Events CalendarJust added to my test site and I can see topics and replies
In reply to: Topic not showing: Conflict with The Events Calendarcan you confirm you are on the latest version
If so, looking at their support site, they seem to be having loads of issues with 6.x .
I’d suggest you revert your site back to an earlier version until the support forum becomes quieter.
@jamesdowning – not quite sure what you mean – the discussion relates to version 2.6.3, we are now on 2.6.9. There is no remaining issue as far as I know
In reply to: Theme FSE compatible with bbpressMy guess would be in native bbpress – probably not.
The additional plugin above should work for all/most FSE sites.
In reply to: Seeking recommendationdo you know how to FTP files?
Great – glad you are fixed 🙂
dashboard>tools>forums>repair forums and run the appropriate
In reply to: Displaying only specific forums on WordPress page🙂
In reply to: Seeking recommendationso do you want to disable the ability to subscribe and have favorites?
if so then
dashboard>settings>forums and untick the relevant boxes.
In reply to: Displaying only specific forums on WordPress pageThe easiest way is to create a ‘category’ forum as a holder
so if you had 3 forums related to say flowers and 3 forums to trees, you would add 2 new forums called ‘flowers’ and ‘trees’
so in dashboard>forums>add new when adding the forum in ‘forum attributes’ in the top right of the screen change the ‘type’ from ‘forum’ to ‘category’
then in each ‘flower’ sub forum you would edit these
dashboard>forums>select forum> edit and change the ‘parent forum’ (right hand side) to the category forum ‘flowers’
and repeat for trees.
then in your page use the forum category as the id
so if the flowers category was forum id 365 then the shortcode would be
[bbp-single-forum id=365]
since categories don’t have topics, just the forums show.
You might want to improve how they look by looking at this plugin
and looking at the 3 first forum tabs. there’s lots of other useful stuff in that plugin as well.