Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Blank forum page on 2024 theme
no sorry, theme writers each do it differently, so there are probably hundreds of thousands of combinations.
In reply to: emails link to private forum after loginthat code will do nothing useful, but i do not intend to spend time on other peoples solutions.
The bbp style pack plugin contains the solution, but until you tell me how you have it set up, and give me consistent answers as to what it works on and doesn’t work on I cannot help further
Ce code ne servira à rien, mais je n’ai pas l’intention de passer du temps sur les solutions des autres.
Le plugin bbp style pack contient la solution, mais jusqu’à ce que vous me disiez comment vous l’avez configuré et que vous me donniez des réponses cohérentes sur ce sur quoi il fonctionne et ne fonctionne pas, je ne peux pas vous aider davantage
In reply to: Blank forum page on 2024 themeThis is one of the new FSE themes, so you need a fix to work with bbpress.
installonce activated, navigate to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack, and you should see the first tab called ‘Theme Support’ – if you don’t see this, come back.
In that tab, select
Enable Theme Support
and save
The forums should then display
In reply to: emails link to private forum after loginok, but you say it works on then staging site, but not the live site – yes?
In reply to: emails link to private forum after loginwhat is your language?
In reply to: emails link to private forum after loginok, so I asked you for some information in the style pack thread, which you have not supplied.
If you do that, I might be able to help further.
In reply to: emails link to private forum after loginsorry, but that is exactly what we did in
I’m very confused as to why you are posting here?
presumably you consider spamming random sites as ‘targeted SEO tactics’
In reply to: Embed issueexample of one that can and one that cannot please
In reply to: White page issueGreat – glad you are fixed !
In reply to: White page issueso can you confirm you have installed and activated the additional bbp-style-pack plugin?
In reply to: White page issueThis is one of the new FSE themes, so you need a fix to work with bbpress.
installonce activated, navigate to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack, and you should see the first tab called ‘Theme Support’ – if you don’t see this, come back.
In that tab, select
Enable Theme Support
and save
The forums should then display
for template layout see item 8
for general styling use :
In reply to: Pagination Not Working on Any Forum PageIn reply to: Replay not working on adminso by ‘replay’ do you mean topic, I thought you meant ‘reply’.
A ‘reply’ does not have a title and works when posted in the front end
A ‘topic’ cannot be posted in the front end without a titlewhy are you creating replies in the backend?
In reply to: Replay not working on adminok, so I’d say it is a particular reply.
so next I’d try using the filters at the top of the page to see what type it is
eg mine, published, pending, drafts etc.
In reply to: Replay not working on adminI have not seen this before, one potential is that a pending reply is causing the issue, although apart from posting lots of test replies to see if he problem moves to page 2, I’m not sure how you would prove that.
In reply to: Date of next update?🙂
In reply to: Replay not working on adminMy guess would be that a reply within the first page is causing an issue.
I presume
1. all replies are showing fine on the front end?
2. that you have not previously had an issue with the first pageIn reply to: Date of next update?I am just a moderator here, and not a bbpress author.
The authors tend to release updates every few years, rather than more frequently.
My personal view is that you should consider bbpress to be a ‘mature’ product, ie any releases will be to fix issues rather than add functionality.
bbpress is written really well, and has loads of hooks. In essence it is a WordPress product, written by the founder of Wordress, and taken into a plugin by sponsorship from WordPress. There are no show stopper bugs in it, it may throw a few deprecation notices (and these are very few at the moment), but WordPress recommends that you should not show error messages in live sites.
I currently have my test site running WordPress 6.4.x and php 8.2 with no issues.
The only major issue with bbpress at the moment is that it does not work well with FSE themes.
However my bbp style pack plugin has fixes for this
as well as block versions of the widgets and a ton of styling and functionality add-ons.
All plugins are subject to the authors commitment, and bbpress is no different.
The main WordPress support forums use bbpress, and it would be mega work to move those over to some other product.
I am guessing that you are being told by Wordfence, which is telling you based on the fact that the plugin has not been updated, rather than any actual security risk.
But with open software you make your choices….
🙂 glad to have helped
In reply to: Ultimate Member/bbPress – 404 redirect🙂
In reply to: Replay not working on adminhas it never worked, or has it stopped working?
In reply to: Pagination Not Working on Any Forum Pagewhat is set in
dashboard>setting>forums>Topics and Replies Per Page
for topics and replies