Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Error: Are you sure you wanted to do that?
the error is when the ‘nonce’ does not validate.
not sure what you can do about it, not my speciality 🙂
In reply to: HTML editor doesn’t appear on bbpress 2.6.7bbp-style-pack has a temporary fix in new version
In reply to: HTML editor doesn’t appear on bbpress 2.6.7@jjj Moving the ‘no-js’ class to the bottom of the ‘bbp_body_class’ function does not fix, as the quicktags toolbar is still not shown.
the following filter fixes, but I’m not entirely sure what the introduction of then ‘no-js’ class to the function is doing, but I can’t see that the patch has any unintended consequences as it only runs on the relevant pages.
add_filter ('bbp_body_class', 'rew_unset_no_js') ; function rew_unset_no_js($classes) { if (in_array ('single-forum', $classes) || in_array ('single-topic', $classes)) { if (($key = array_search('no-js', $classes)) !== false) { unset($classes[$key]); } } return $classes ; }
or if that doesn’t work
add_filter ('bbp_body_class', 'rew_unset_no_js') ; function rew_unset_no_js($classes) { if (($key = array_search('no-js', $classes)) !== false) { unset($classes[$key]); } return $classes ; }
Put this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
FOR THOSE USING BBP-STYLE-PACK – I’ll issue a revised version incorporating this shortly until fixed in bbpress.
In reply to: HTML editor doesn’t appear on bbpress 2.6.7no quicktags are shown in 2.6.8, which is I think where the problem lies
In reply to: HTML editor doesn’t appear on bbpress 2.6.7ok, in my testing
working :
function bbp_enable_visual_editor( $args = array() ) { $args['tinymce'] = true; $args['quicktags'] = false; return $args; } add_filter( 'bbp_after_get_the_content_parse_args', 'bbp_enable_visual_editor' );
not working
function bbp_enable_visual_editor( $args = array() ) { $args['tinymce'] = true; return $args; } add_filter( 'bbp_after_get_the_content_parse_args', 'bbp_enable_visual_editor' );
In reply to: Side Widget broken after update 2.6.7🙂
In reply to: Subforum Function Stopped Working🙂
In reply to: HTML editor doesn’t appear on bbpress 2.6.7stylepack is my plugin- I’ll need to take a look
ok, I can only suggest that you have some caching software – otherwise I’m out of ideas
ok, so check what changes in post and post meta for the topic itself?
ok, so exactly what in the database (post and post meta) changes when you update in wp_admin?
In reply to: Download Buttons don’t workI’ve reported this to the authors
looks ok without testing – does it work ?
without a deep dive into your code and gravity, we’ll need to guess at answers.
I presume you are not running any caching software?
if not then you could tie a new reply to the action on submission.
so if you have data, then the new_reply_handler in \includes\replies\functions.php starting at line 125 might be what you need.
if you have $_POST data, then it might be as simple as
add_action( 'whatever_your_actions_hook_is', 'bbp_new_reply_handler', 10 );
ok, so your form submission adds things to the metadata – yes ? or no ?
just seeing if we need to update metadata or just run an update?
Do you have the ability in gravity forms to link to an action on form submission ?
As far as I can see they are just there to allow for specific CSS changes if you wish, so suspect you can quite happily delete them. 🙂
In reply to: Issue with Hueman theme headerno problem 🙂
In reply to: Get subsciber link for specific topic?we’ve all been there 🙂 🙂
Given that’d a paid add-on, you should refer to them in the first instance.
In reply to: Image on Forum Topicsso this is a different image for EACH topic or EACH forum?
In reply to: Get subsciber link for specific topic?untested but
bbp_get_topic_subscription_link (array( 'object_id' => $topic_id) ))
In reply to: Child theme/ php template filesthat link in my last post will get you a list as a solution
In reply to: Display Full Pagelinks goes to 404
In reply to: Automatic register to bbpressgreat – glad you are fixed !!
In reply to: Automatic register to bbpressok – are you a keymaster? only keymasters can view the settings.