rmuhr1701 (@rmuhr1701)

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  • @rmuhr1701


    I have done some more poking, it does not seem to be a plugin per say.
    It seems to be my theme (highend from http://hb-themes.com) When I switch to default theme it works fine.

    Anyone out there running highend with this issue/solution?



    ok after some poking and prodding and trying with filter, still no joy, but did find more information.
    When I am not logged in and the role/link works, the class used is bbp-topic-author
    When I am logged in and the link/role does not work the class is bbp-reply-author

    I tried

    function ShowRoles($args =array()){
    $args['show_role']  = true;
    return $args;

    but there is no change. It is almost like the css section is being suppressed all together.

    Any insight?



    Another interesting tidbit of detail I just noticed,
    for a not logged in user, who sees the roles, the avatar is a link to user profile (to which they get access denied)
    for a logged in user its just an image, not a link

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