rkruk (@rkruk)

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  • In reply to: LDAP Plugin Help




    thanks for the quick reply.

    Yes the IP, userid, pass is correct.

    The domain string is where i may be having trouble as i am not sure wat to put in there. I have tried multiple domain strings but no success.

    Have tried both TLS on/off.

    I am fairly certain that the firewall is set ok.

    We have other applications using the ldap server successfully, however from different servers.

    I have successfully used the following code example to produce a connection and return a result from the LDAP server. maybe this can help you debug the issue?

    // basic sequence with LDAP is connect, bind, search, interpret search
    // result, close connection

    echo "<h3>LDAP query test 2</h3>";
    echo "Connecting ...";
    $ds=ldap_connect(""); // must be a valid LDAP server!
    echo "connect result is " . $ds . "";

    if ($ds) {
    echo "Binding ...";
    $r=ldap_bind($ds); // this is an "anonymous" bind, typically
    // read-only access
    echo "Bind result is " . $r . "";

    echo "Searching for (sn=S*) ...";
    // Search surname entry
    $sr=ldap_search($ds, "o=Lions", "sn=S*");
    echo "Search result is " . $sr . "";

    echo "Number of entires returned is " . ldap_count_entries($ds, $sr) . "";

    echo "Getting entries ...";
    $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
    echo "Data for " . $info["count"] . " items returned:";

    for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) {
    echo "dn is: " . $info[$i]["dn"] . "";
    echo "first cn entry is: " . $info[$i]["cn"][0] . "";
    echo "first email entry is: " . $info[$i]["mail"][0] . "<hr />";

    echo "Closing connection";

    } else {
    echo "<h4>Unable to connect to LDAP server</h4>";

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