probablynot (@probablynot)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @probablynot


    I can confirm @aburi’s solution for getting the Admin menus back. I went to Settings/Forums, ticked the check box for Auto Role, saved. The menus were back. I then unticked it, saved again, and they stayed. I’m guessing there is some issue with the upgrade that is causing bbPress to need it’s settings to be resaved.

    Tried the same thing with bbPress Moderation. Enabled it, went to Settings/bbPress Moderation, changed a setting, saved… topics in forums were still not showing. 🙁



    For people wanting to hide the new search box, add this to your theme’s CSS:
    `.bbp-search-form {
    display:none !important;

    For the admin area, after further investigation, the only reason I saw the Forums, Topics and Replies menus at all was because of my Post Calendar plugin. Once I disabled that, the Admin menus for bbPress disappeared entirely.

    And I’m with @wildomains, I had to disable ‘bbPress moderation’ to get to see the posts. I want to have that plugin, so hopefully either they will update, or whatever change in bbPress broke it can be changed back.



    One, I would like to be able to turn off the search. Just hide it without having to muck around with making a theme for bbPress.

    Second, since upgrading, in the Admin area, I can no longer do anything for the forums. The menu over on the left side has no items under the Forums, Topics or Replies headings.



    So the importer said it wouldn’t delete the existing user table, just rename it… but I can’t find it now. Seems like the importer obliterated my user table. Any ideas?

    Nevermind.. I found them.

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