phil49 (@phil49)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @phil49


    Hello Robin,

    Alleluia !

    It works !!!!!!

    Honestly, I was really skeptical, but it’s a miracle !

    Don’t know where your flash of genius is coming from but what matters is that I no longer have to look desperately for a substitute theme !

    I’ve tried many of them but each time there’s something wrong, or a plugin that doesn’t work !

    Curiously, though, the CSS works on my “Frontpage.php” (used by the homepage), “Index.php” (used by the blog), but the “Page.php” template used by the forum and some other sections is behaving weirdly, I mean it seems to be applied on it, but I don’t know if this is just a feeling or because I Used a Tablepress table for some, but it looks as if it doesn’t seem to be 100% the width set on the CSS !

    But it’s not important, now the forum can be precisely set and this is what matters most !
    The width for the other pages suits me fine anyway !

    Oh, by the way, it works even without having to use a child theme, it’s the original Twenty Seventeen that I’m currently using !

    Thanks so much again for all your efforts and this solution Robin, I thought it would have been worked out long after I would have given up!





    Hello Robin,

    I’ve sent an email on your BTInternet email address !

    Remember that I already sent an email to you a week ago so that you can take a look at the site!? 😉

    The access is still available as explained in my email.





    Hi Robin !

    LOL !

    I talk too much, but as I want to give as many detail as possible…

    Your code is working for the pages of the site.

    Your code is NOT working for ALL the forum pages of the site

    Your code is applied for all the pages, that’s it takes almost 100% of the page, but site pages are not concerned by my problem.

    Your code doesn’t make any difference when applied to the forum pages.

    I was just adding in my previous post that I have the same problem for my second issue with the background gradient that is not applied either, unless the code is not correct, but I don’t think so !

    Thinking about all this yesterday, I’ve got the feeling that in fact, what is desperately keeping void corresponds to the place that should be occupied by the sidebar, even though I told you that I have no sidebar on all the site pages as well as the forum pages.
    But there’s a section dedicated to its management in this new theme and version of WordPress 4.7.2 !
    I removed all the widgets initially present in this sidebar but maybe the code keeps holding the place !?

    It’s as if this part of the code keeps applying in the end, prevailing on the child theme css code !

    Hope this is clear now ! 😉






    If your remember, I have a page dedicated to Members and protected by a password (with or without it doesn’t make any difference either, of course), and the 3 following pages on the which I simply pasted the relevant short codes:
    – “Forum” which is the default bbpress root page, I simply added a shortcode for the connection widget thanks to a plugin otherwise I couldn’t have done it on this specific page (but my VM doesn’t have it and again it makes no difference)
    – “Registration”
    – “Reset password”





    Hello Robin,

    Yep, always, and this is a copy of the original one where I just changed as advised in one of the forums I mentioned previously, to change the DIV that way :

    <div class=”wrap page-full-width“>
    <div id=”primary” class=”content-area-wide“>
    <main id=”main” class=”site-main” role=”main”>

    Actually, both child theme folders (the real site and my VM) contains those files :
    – bbpress.php
    – functions.php
    – page-full-width.php
    – screenshot.jpg
    – style.css

    This latter currently contains only your code as well as the code for background gradient as the page-full-width does the job for the page width, I mean, only for the site pages except forum ones !

    The rest is similar.





    Hello Robin,

    Don’t know if you could find something to help me, but I keep you informed of the progress on my side.

    I’ve installed a virtual machine with the same WordPress version, twenty seventeen theme and almost all the plugins.

    I’m now more comfortable “playing” with different themes and child themes, this is the positive side of the situation, I even corrected a mistake I initially made by creating my child theme inside the Twenty seventeen theme instead of at the same level as it !

    Now it turns up in the theme section, I can activate it, but basically, it doesn’t make any difference !

    Your code for the page width is still working on ALL pages as expected, therefore the CSS is bieng applied, BUT the code doesn’t apply to the “page.php” template used by the forums ! 🙁

    I even tried simultaneously to find out a solution for a request from our site members, that’s a background gradient.
    It doesn’t apply at all !

    In fact, taking a closer look at the wysiwig panel in the Appearance section of the theme, I noticed that the gradient is applied but ONLY on the homepage and behind the image and NOT on the body of all the other pages of the site !

    Trying to paste the code in the custom code or straight in the style.css file in the theme child produces the same result…

    This is so incredible that nobody in the world can find a solution or has ever tried to customize these elements !

    Hope is what makes us live…





    Hello Robin,

    Sorry, I got your email only this afternoon due to a problem with my email…

    The bbpress.php file is located in :


    I also put a copy in the child theme folder I’ve created here :






    Hello Robin,

    Thanks for the reply again.

    I pasted the code in the additional Custom CSS section in WordPress, indeed I immediately noticed that page width was wider by about 1/5.

    However, the “bbpress.php” template was… not affected ! 🙁

    I tried copying the code in the style.css in the child theme previously created, but same thing no wide page again !

    As I noticed since the beginning, ALL the site pages, I mean the one managed by this epoymous section in WordPress ARE affected by any additional CSS code, BUT NO page in the forum section with the “” Template are concerned by any modification !

    It’s as if so long as there’s no modification on the bbpress.php code or it’s CSS, nothing could happen !

    Yet, as mentioned earlier, in the child theme I’ve created, I added as explained in this forum : , the following files :

    1 style.css file
    1 page-full-width.php
    1 function.php

    Was there any other operation I should have done ?

    For instance, should I try something with the Bbpress-style-pack I’ve installed a few weeks ago for another purpose but that includes a CSS section ?

    I don’t really understand what I’m supposed to do, the explanation is not quite clear to me !

    It’s explained that it will create a “bspstyle.css” file but what will be the impact on the whole site as I just want to alter page width ONLY on the forum pages, the other pages have the adequate width !

    Kind regards,




    Hello Robin,

    Yes it’s !

    This is this site :

    However, even though I installed Polylang (as the site will be available in 3 languages French/English/German) for only English speaking people, the forum is in the Member’s page section and needs a password to be accessible !

    Obviously I’ll communicate this password to you “offline” only, if you don’t mind !

    Don’t know if there’s a way to do this on this forum?





    Hi Robin,

    Don’t know where your’re in the progress of your tests, but I noticed that the “What the file” plugin I couldn’t see for more than a day just turned up today but on another profile I’ve created for my friend that will take care of the site once all the issues with the forum part are solved!

    Really weird!?

    Yet it doesn’t display in my admin profile !!!

    Anyway, I could find out thanks to this plugin that this is the “page.php” template which is being used on the page listing all the forums and the “bbpress.php” for each forum !

    Yet, when I select it through this plugin, changes I made on the model in the theme child I had created are present :

    <div class=”wrap page-full-width“>
    <div id=”primary” class=”content-area-wide“>
    <main id=”main” class=”site-main” role=”main”>


    But I guess this has more to do with Twenty seventeen subtleties or the CSS!!??

    FYI, here’s the site I followed step by step in order to get this fuc… full width page to work properly and the closest to the theme Twenty seventeen :





    Hello Robin,

    Thanks for all the efforts !

    I simply want the forums to be displayed in full width.

    As mentioned earlier in this thread, the WordPress page listing all the forums has the appropriate width, and ONLY the forum pages are aligned on the left taking half the page and are aligned on the left with the first item of my menu !
    Oh, by the way I don’t have any side bar on my pages, therefore I don’t have the problem that some other people are facing!
    I noticed that with those specific pages I can’t get the selector for different templates just like the other pages of the site !

    This is the reason why I was trying to find out which template is being used by the forum pages to go further in my investigation !

    Whatever I tried this week-end failed, many CSS solutions, childtheme, et..

    It would be great if we could find a solution !

    FYI, I’m also working on a property asked by the users, that’s a background gradient (grey or pale green) on all pages, but again, CSS and child theme proved useless !
    Or I proved to be a poor webmaster (not a pro just an I.T guy helping friends) 🙁

    Thks so much for your help and time !





    Really bad luck with theme Twenty Seventeen, doesn’t seem to be supported, nothing is displayed in the upper part of the Dashboard, niether on the left nor on the the right hand part… 🙁






    Just a question: how can I know which page model is being used by the forum pages ?

    Is there a way to know it through the dashboard or inspecting the source code ?






    Funny to see that some changes take some time to implement!

    Taking a look at my other pages this morning , I noticed, as explained in another forum that adding the “page-wide.php” with the different class, would display a new button to select the model!

    And, indeed, on all my pages but the forum ones I now dispose of this choice!

    But still no change on my forum pages… 🙁

    I guess this is “just” a matter of css !

    I’ll try again to create a subfolder for a child theme, but I’m not quite sure it’ll make the trick, but who knows…

    If someone has got an idea, I’m still interested !






    Yes I followed the explanation as I found out this is the first thing you asked to do.

    I found out, taking a look at a plugin I had previously installed, called “bbpress wp tweaks”, that after a couple of an hour my template was eventually listed, however, it doesn’t make any difference and, yes my FTP software is working nice !
    Any idea as there are not many templates and theme Twenty seventeen is quite different from the previous ones !?
    Thanks for your kind help


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