Ph0eniX2018 (@ph0enix2018)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @ph0enix2018


    Disable any bbpress related, not the actual, plugins. I had several and problem resolved by disabling plugins. Possibly bbPress2 BBCode, bbPress Threaded Replies, or bbPress Topics for Posts.



    I am having the same problem, on the same platform. Not much support for this issue, re uploading theme and plugin now



    I found a workaround for displaying a Twitter Tweet Me button inside individual topics on bbPress 2.0 and using WP 3.x.

    Open up: wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes/bb_user_template.php

    Under // Default arguments on line 451 after: ‘after’ => ‘)<include tweet me js script here>

    The above will display your twitter button directly under the topic posters name/ip address (if enabled). Use line breaks as needed.

    This is likely not the best solution, but given the utter arse-circus of using bbpress plugin, and a bbpress template, and since support is very limited for bbpress, this might work for you as well.

    See it in action here:



    I would like the Tweet button to display on the bottom of submitted topics. I’ve tried several methods, but I can’t seem to place any code inside of topic content.

    How do I expand on the topic hook to automatically place code into any submitted topic?

    I would even be ok with placing the button outside of the topic, like the container, but I have been unable to do this. I am using the plugin, as well as a BBPress ready theme, so I have been hacking both trying to figure out how to get the desired code into topics.

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