perrym (@perrym)

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  • @perrym


    I have 25+ WP websites up and running and each use about 80 WP plug-ins – I’ve seen the best and worst of WP plug-ins.

    One thing I’ve come to appreciate is that the reaction of the folks who make these things is VERY important to me if I’m to use a plug-in for commercial purposes and rely on updates which keep up with WP itself.

    I don’t have the time to feel out the folks who make these plug-ins so I normally forget diplomacy and watch what happens when I call for help. The reaction is always very telling and I get a real good feeling of whether to use the plug-in or find something else.

    You can read the above posts to my simple problem of installing your program and contamination with other WP plug-ins. If there is a weak place in WP it’s one plug-in messing up another. I’m guessing that’s the case here.

    But I’ve got my answer and thank everyone here for helping me make up my mind.

    No matter what you think the customer is always right – always.

    Thanks much and you’ll be happy to know that I won’t be using this program; I’ll be using Simple:press for the 10th time and it’s bulletproof. I’ll have to dumb it down as much as possible if my target audience is to use it – wish me luck.




    I know that bbPress and BuddyPress are different animals – thought is was obvious and I didn’t have to point that out.

    Still the two have nothing to do with each other during the installation of bbPress – thought that was obvious too.

    Back to my point – I follow the bbPress instructions and I get a blank page.

    Is this what you guys look at all day long?

    I’ve always stayed from bbPress because of all the problems I’ve heard for other folks – I now understand why. But I’m going after the bubble-gum chewing crowd with BuddyPress and bbPress looked like something they would use – simple.

    I really don’t think they relate to a heavy duty forum plug-in like Simple:press and would like to give bbPress a try – its all about making money.

    So if there are any folks here who want to help I’ll take the advice; if not I’ll be joining the folks who find bbPress out of date with no support.

    Thanks for any help in this matter…


    The thing I don’t understand is how I type in get the bbPress log in at the top, along with a 404 error, and when I click enter I get a blank page with the following link address:

    Somehow bbPress is being taken over by BuddyPress and this is probably why I get a blank page.

    You guys are the experts – so what is happening and is it just as simple as bbPress and BuddyPress are not compatible with each other?

    If so I’ll be on my way…

    Oh, I am also using s2Member and I don’t know if that membership plug-in is involved here somewhere.

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