Forum Replies Created
I use this code for that:
`.singular .entry-header, .singular .entry-content, .singular footer.entry-meta, .singular #comments-title {
width: 100%;
}`Looking at your site, that should work. I use the inspect element button in Chrome to find the item i want to change. Just fiddle a bit by turning things on and off until you find what you want to change and add code in your child theme. Almost anything can be done like colours, font size e.d.
Great work on your site btw!.
Glad to hear it worked. Add the code below, that should work.
`.singular .hentry {
border-bottom: medium none;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
}`I had the same problem, i resoved it by adding this code in the style.css of my twenty eleven child theme
.forum #primary{
}.forum .entry-content{
And then also:
.topic #primary{
}.topic .entry-content{
And finaly,
.bbp-user-page #primary{
}.bbp-user-page .entry-content{
That solved my problem. I run WP 3.5. and bbpress 2.2. Hope this helps.
I also figured out how to change the page title and remove some space at the top. Let me knof if you are interrested.