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In reply to: Bbpress page/post titles on WordPress integration
Thank’s a lot everyone. The forums are working really nice
If anyone is interested in seeing it in action, here’s:
Thanks a lot.
Paulo F
In reply to: Bbpress page/post titles on WordPress integrationIf i remove the <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>, things apparently are working well. There’s any problem by removing that?
In reply to: Bbpress page/post titles on WordPress integrationCan anyone help me exclude the wp_title if there’s a function calling bb_title?
In reply to: Bbpress page/post titles on WordPress integrationI tested, but it’s not working friend:
I really need to remove that blog title on the forums so i can lauch it
In reply to: Bbpress page/post titles on WordPress integrationKevin, can you adjust that code for mine?
i’m using this one:
<?php wp_title(‘«’, true, ‘right’); ?> <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>
<?php if( function_exists(‘bb_title’)) { bb_title(); } ?>
In reply to: Bbpress page/post titles on WordPress integrationHi Kevin, i added your recomendation but there’s one small problem. Now, the bbpress is calling both titles: from the blog and from the forums as you can see here:
How can i say that i want it to exclude the blog one?
In reply to: Bbpress page/post titles on WordPress integrationHi Kevin, the problem is my header and footer are running a lot of custom codes for grabbing my subscribers and twitter counters for example. This information is grabbed from WordPress plugins that connect on Feedburner and Twitter API’s. I have also the problem that the blog uses a 960 grid system for the layout. I’m really unsure how to move the header and footer to my bbpress folder without crashing everything
In reply to: Bbpress page/post titles on WordPress integrationExactly chris
There isn’t any title for those pages at this moment
In reply to: Bbpress page/post titles on WordPress integrationHi chris, thanks for the reply. I only that the titles appear just like on my normal WordPress entries. On the forum, if i click on a post or topic, there isn’t any title for that
I’m not trying to automate content. I only want that my forum has it’s own pages/posts titles, not only to appear on the top browser, but also to help them rank in search engines.
I think this problem appears because i’m defining the title of this bbpress posts/pages in my wordpress header, but not the friendly way