Update- I just added: add_theme_support( ‘bbpress’ ); to my functions.php page in the child theme and it didn’t make any difference, I’m still looking for a fix… any advice would be appreciated.
Update- I deleted and reinstalled the child theme and copied back over the bbp-twentyten files into the child folder as according to these directions: https://codex.bbpress.org/legacy/step-by-step-guide-to-creating-a-custom-bbpress-theme/ however I’m still having issues with the theme working with bbP… for some reason my password field turned white on all my pages from an original dark theme setting (though the login field stayed the same), and I can’t figure out how to format the colors and background to my forum page to stay with the original theme settings: http://ouyagamingsource.com/forums/ including maintaining the tables, sidebars and colors of the other pages. I’m wondering if it can be done by bypassing some of the twenty-ten commands on the bbpress-functions.php file I copied to the child? I’m not much of a PHP expert so this is a little complicated.