obatron (@obatron)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Theme Problems



    I spoke too soon, while pages that don’t share the root slug fulfill the full page, navigation inside the forums takes it back to the root slug which does not…so no joy for me.

    In reply to: Theme Problems



    In playing around I noticed some odd behavior…

    I decided to just try full width forums, however, the forum index always looked off to the right as if it had a blank sidebar (I copied page.php to bbpress.php in the child template folder).

    I then created a new page and put the forum index short code in it. On this one, full width worked fine for everything. The installation instructions indicated to create a page with the same name as the forum root slug (forums) and you wouldn’t have to use the short code. I changed the forum root slug from forums to forums2 and put the short code in the forums page and full width worked fine.

    Thus, what I found out, I can get full width to work okay if I don’t name the forums page the same as the root slug.

    Still can’t figure out the sidebar thing though…


    In reply to: Theme Problems



    Still did not help. Yes, I

    1. Created a wp-content/themes/twentyeleven-child folder
    2. Created a twentyeleven-child/styles.css file with the info from the instructions
    3. I copied twentyeleven/sidebar-page.php to twentyeleven-child/bbpress.php
    4. I created a twentyeleven-child/css filder
    5. I copied the bbpress.css file from the plugins/bbpress/templates/default/css folder to the twentyeleven-child/css folder.
    6. I modified the bbpress.css to change a few colors.
    7. I installed the plugin plugins/bbpress/templates/default/css and configured it to look at bbpress.php
    8. I chose Post Name int he Permalink Settings
    9. I created a page call Forums and ensured its Permalink was forums
    10. I tried both default and sidebar template for it.

    I tried both of the above suggestions in style.css and bbpress.css in the child tree to no avail.

    I would be good with going with a “wide” page and no sidebar and just putting creating pages for logins and so forth, however, the problem there is the index page ends up with a blank sidebar so looks funky.

    Thanks four your help and suggestion though!

    In reply to: Theme Problems



    I put it in styles.css under the twentyeleven-child, and then tried it in bbpress.css under twentyeleven-child/css, neither changed the behavior of the side bar overlap.

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