Mufasa (@mufasa)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Help out with bbPress



    Hi Guys,

    My name is Dan Milward and I’d like to help. I’ve always yearned for a better bbPress + WordPress integration. Ages ago when we integrated bbPress on our site I thought it would be cool to make a shortcode to run bbpress or significant portions of it from WordPress.

    This is how we want to contribute – by doing this.

    Skills are advanced.





    We’re going to look at it again later this week. We’re busy building a debain box for a new WordPress MU site that we are about to launch.

    I’m telling you though – if somebody made a [shortcode] and some WP widgets this would be so freaking awesome…. I think my head would just explode :D



    I’m not going to let this go :P



    How can we vote on this? Clearly lots of people want easier integration with their site – its just too bloody hard to get it going.

    Bring on a WordPress [shortcode] and widgets!!

    I’m very happy with how easy it it get the accounts to jive but what about the front end of our websites. I don’t expect the bbPress team to just start listening and acting on what I say – but I will put my money where my mouth is and if the bbPress team spoke to us and pointed us in the right direction – what hooks to use etc then I would even look at doing the code to make it happen.

    But I don’t even know if people care :P



    Can somebody set that spammer on fire? Please!!! Seriously hot sticky napalm would be just fine…

    Nobody can login to our site at all – including Admin.

    We will probably hack it to work – but I think we should all vote for bbPress [shortcodes] and widgets.

    1) [bbPress]

    2) bbPress widgets

    Hail bbPress [shortcodes] and widgets ;)



    Ya know what…

    What would solve all these problems would be shortcodes.

    If I could just create a page and add a shortcode:

    [bbPress] then all our problems would just go away.

    Then if you wanted to get the bbPress “search” and “hot tags” to show in your sidebar you can just add the bbPress widgets and they would in theory just work.

    I guess that means my request is:

    1) Add a bbPress [forum] shortcode for wordpress

    2) Release some bbPress widgets for the wordpress sidebar



    Is there a theme? I love the simplicity of the forums here and on…



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