ok. Played around with the code a little bit. Have a few questions.
With this div tag structure this is referring to the overall structure spanning the multiple php files in the template folder?
Do I need to include the div ids for header, sidebar, content, footer whenever they are called in the templates php files?
I assume that the child element reference is that I should have all my div header, div sidebar and div footers closed when those sections end.
Since there are a handful of php files in the template can you explain how I know which to add?
If you couldn’t tell I’m pretty confused! Really appreciating the help.
Thanks! I’ll give it a try when I have a break between meetings! I really appreciate the help!!
fel64. Thanks for the input on the HTML!
Created a test account for people to see the Account and problems.
mysoberlife dot com
I added div id=wrap, div id=header, & div id=right to my bbpress template. That solved all position issues in Mozilla. However IE is even more of a mess now.