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In reply to: img tags
I’m not sure how the plugins work, but this would be a good candidate, so the core code doesn’t have to be hacked.
In reply to: img tagsheh.. didn’t notice that. It is exactly the same.
oh well, at least one can place images now. Glad we got this one figured out. If I ever implement bbpress on a wide scale, that will be the first thing users ask me.
In reply to: img tagsin formatting-functions.php I added this under the function encode_bad:
$text = preg_replace('|<(/?img.*?)>|', '<$1>', $text);
under function bb_allowed_tags() I added this:
'img' => array(
'src' => array(),
'alt' => array(),
'title' => array()),
for an example see this post I made where it succeeded.
I added the /bb-images/bbpress.png image in a post. yay!
In reply to: img tagsha! I got it to work… hold on and I’ll post what I did…
In reply to: img tagsI would be willing to bet that if you duplicated the “a” tag and used “img” where every “a” is, it would work. because “img” uses attributes like “a” uses attributes. just a thought. I’ll give it a shot…
In reply to: img tagsyeah, regex is confusing sometimes. I just bought a book on them off of Amazon. I’ll get back with you in a week or so.
jk. I’ll keep fiddling and see what I can turn up, if anything.
In reply to: img tagswhat about the encode_bad function in the same formatting-functions.php file?
It has the same list of default allowed html tags. I don’t know enough php yet to understand what it does, though?
Maybe the img tag needs to be placed here as well?
function encode_bad( $text ) {
$text = wp_specialchars($text);
$text = preg_replace('|<(/?strong)>|', '<$1>', $text);
$text = preg_replace('|<(/?em)>|', '<$1>', $text);
$text = preg_replace('|<(/?a.*?)>|', '<$1>', $text);
$text = preg_replace('|<(/?ol)>|', '<$1>', $text);
$text = preg_replace('|<(/?p)>|', '<$1>', $text);
$text = preg_replace('|
|', '
', $text);$text = preg_replace('|<(/?ul)>|', '<$1>', $text);
$text = preg_replace('|<(/?li)>|', '<$1>', $text);
$text = preg_replace('|<(/?blockquote.*?)>|', '<$1>', $text);
$text = preg_replace('|<(/?code)>|', '<$1>', $text);
$text = preg_replace(“|
|se”, “‘' . encodeit('$1') . '
‘”, $text);return $text;
In reply to: img tagsnevermind, that list is hard-coded into post-form.php. That would have to be changed, too, just to let people know the tag is allowable. If we can get it to work, of course.
In reply to: img tagshmm.. I noticed on the post page, where it says “allowed markup” the img tag isn’t listed. Don’t know if that would have anything to do with it?
In reply to: img tagsThis didn’t work:
'img' => array(
'src' => array(),
'alt' => array(),
'title' => array()),
added that to formatting-function.php in the bb_allowed_tags() function.
Seems like it would have, though?
In reply to: freshness = -1 yearsOk, well that fixed the -1 year “freshness” problem. Now the post times are incorrect by 1hour.
I’m in -5 gmt timezone and my server is in -6gmt timezone.
One issue fixed and another created.
I seem to remember having this problem with WordPress a loooooooong time ago. Like pre 1.0 ago. Can’t remember how that was dealt with.
Anyway, I’ll keep tinkering until I figure it out. Thanks for the help, AphelionZ.
In reply to: freshness = -1 yearsYeah, this morning the times were reading normally. But as soon as I reply to the topic it returns to -1 year. heh..
I don’t think my problem is related to my server as the times on posts and such are correct. Thanks for the link, I’ll go read it.
In reply to: freshness = -1 yearsthanks nolageek. I’ve actually had that part correct. After messing around, now only one topic is like that. The other is fine.
In fact the default topic that was made called “Your first topic” portrays the correct “freshness”. All new topics give the -1 year weirdness. I’ll keep tinkering.
In reply to: using akismet spam key?aah.. ok, thanks. I tried everything but double quotes..
It’s obviously working now, because now the warning message is gone now.