masopas (@masopas)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @masopas


    I thought I tried that, but I guess I must have missed one – it works now. I re-enabled each plugin, but it still works, so I don’t know what happened.




    I did not do anything with the users or roles. I tried adding a new administrator user and that didn’t help. I still don’t see the menus.

    This is a 3-year old dormant install of wordpress that I just started using again. Did all of the upgrades, etc. I did not have bbpress, that is new. But I’m thinking I should just reinstall wordpress from scratch, maybe along the way something happened related to that.



    Can someone please confirm that the forum setup options are supposed to appear in the main admin panel menu (the one with pages, posts, appearance, settings, etc.). Or should I be looking somewhere else?




    I’d have to give you access to my admin page. Nothing is showing up in the menu on the left side of the admin page. The instructions imply that new menu items show up allowing you to add Forums, etc. after you install and activity the plugin.

    Or am I confused – are the forums set up from some other location?

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