Also interested in this. A plugin that adds a private reply link, and quotes the post in a buddypress PM to the author would be fantastic – happy to collaborate….
My users have lost their edit button (bbp-topic-edit) during the move to 2.4.1 (admins can still see the edit link)…
Agree it could do with an overhaul. A single widget that can be flexibly configured to show and link exactly what you want would be a real bonus. Similarly for the shortcodes. Even better if it could cover WP posts and replies using an identical structure/layout.
an ideal widget would have
– number of things
– sort by: topic creation, freshness, popularity/views, popularity/replies in last X days
– show/link OP author
+ include date [x]
+ include avatar [x]
– show link most recent
+ include date [x]
+ include avatar [x]
– present as table or list
– extract OP
– extract latest
– [shrtcodeable]
I don’t see the need for a list that has replies (with dups per topic) as thats better handled as an activity stream.