martinna218 (@martinna218)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @martinna218


    I apologise for the late response, I was distracted by another urgent issue. So if my understanding is correct, this basically just reruns the bbp_update_reply_walker if the reply is flagged by spam. But from what I’ve seen in the code, this wouldn’t solve the specific issue, since the walker only checks for the replie’s pending status

    As in:

    // Only update if reply is published
    				if ( ! bbp_is_reply_pending( $reply_id ) ) {
    					// Last reply and active ID's
    					bbp_update_topic_last_reply_id ( $ancestor, $reply_id  );
    					bbp_update_topic_last_active_id( $ancestor, $active_id );
    					// Get the last active time if none was passed
    					$topic_last_active_time = $last_active_time;
    					if ( empty( $last_active_time ) ) {
    						$topic_last_active_time = get_post_field( 'post_date', bbp_get_topic_last_active_id( $ancestor ) );
    					bbp_update_topic_last_active_time( $ancestor, $topic_last_active_time );

    But the specific reply, if it has been marked by Akismet would have the status ‘spam’ and not ‘pending’, so the walker would still update the value wrong. Is my understanding correct?



    Yes, there is a note saying something like “Akismet marked this post as spam” (I’m using a translated version, so I’m just translating into English off the top of my head). I’ll look under the hood a bit to give you more specifics on what triggers this



    They’re all in the dashboard under the spam section. So yes, the topic/reply is still created. My specific issue is not really with the spam topics though, as they don’t appear on the frontend and don’t affect user experience. My issue is with spam replies in legitimate topics, as these replies still modify the topic metadata and affect last_active_time. This places them on the top of the topics loop, and displays their last active date as the spam reply date, although there’s no new content in there for the user to see.

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