I got the same error but i think it is related to the latest version of NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati(http://www.nextgen-gallery.com/wordpress-gallery-plugin/). I deactivated that plugin and the error goes away.
anyone having the same issue as me? Participants who create forums thru the group can’t post to their own forum. I’ve played around with the roles and it’s only happening to the ‘participant’ role.. appreciate any help..
I’ve narrowed the above problem down a bit more:
The ‘Participant’ who created the forum though the group cannot post topics. Everyone else can post to it.
Hey John,
I’m having the following issue:
Participants cannot create topics or reply to topics on forums that have been created through the ‘Groups’ section.
They can create topics or reply to topics on forums that have been created direct though the forums section.
On the forums that have been created through the ‘Groups’ section it returns the following:
ERROR: You do not have permission to reply.
Any suggestions?
I’m also trying to figure this out.. Any luck on getting it sorted?