manomalt (@manomalt)

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  • @manomalt


    oh ya. This was way harder then it needed to be. This reply from Sewar worked:

    user_id meta_key meta_value

    1 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:”member”;b:1;}

    Change “meta_value” to: a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}, So it will look like:

    user_id meta_key meta_value

    1 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}

    I wish I could insert a picture of the phpmyadmin file. Let me know if someone what me to send it to them so they can post it on their website. Thanks to all that posted this free help…



    OK, I have the bbpress login and the wp login using the same user database under wp. The only issue that I have left is my loss of keymaster under the bbpress install. My problem with this is that I did auto-installs of both programs…so I didn’t get any options to set the keymaster/admin settings. I have read this post: wpbb-integration-admin-problem#post-2539 and I think that that it’s what I need to do. Problem is…I don’t know how to change this. I don’t see any code that looks like that which is being referred to. Anyone have a more detailed description of what I’m trying to do? Thanks.



    Man…i’ve been trying to get bbpress in integrate (sso) for about 4 days now. I’ve tried just about everything these forums have recommended. I first installed WordPress (upgraded to 2.5.1), and then installed the newest version of bbpress in a subdirectory, like I then went to my “wordpress integration” section of my bbpress installation, set it up as directed…and now I can’t login to the admin section of my bbpress site. I looked into seryi’s suggested changed above, but my code seems to be correct in my pluggable.php file. I tried the “fix admin” plugin from here: I also tried this process ( of changed the phpmyadmin, but I’m confused on what to add where. Is there anything else I can try in order to get this integration working?

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