Lynq (@lynq)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @lynq


    You can copy and paste a current loop file and rename to something like loop-custom-forums.php then when you want to call that loop you can use:

    <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/loop', 'custom-forums' ); ?>

    Good luck!



    If you learn to copy function names and do a search for them through your whole bbpress plugin folder, you can pretty much find out how anything works, this is how I worked this out. Think I had to go through a trail of 5 or 6 files until I worked it out :)

    This is great advice for anyone wanting to customize their bbPress. I have found out many different bits and pieces by doing exactly this.



    No problem, sorry the slightly erratic replies, got there in the end though!



    I forgot you might need to grab the current user id, depending on where you are trying to use that code.

    <?php bbp_user_profile_url( bbp_get_current_user_id() ); ?>

    I just tried it and it works perfectly in my header. Good luck.



    It does depend on the theme of course, but I will try my best. Also please remember that this involves editing the core and is not recommended (but I can’t see another way to achieve this?).

    If you set the show_freshness_link to true and then add a freshness before of <td> and freshness_after of </td> this will add an extra td tag inside the template.

    You will then need to add an extra <th> to the table heading, or it will break your table and you will have blank spaces inside the forum list.

    If you are using a non table layout, then you just need to give it a class and deal with it in css like the reply count and post count data.

    Inside loop-single-forum.php I changed my bbp_list_forums arguments to accept the changes inside the core function, for example…

    array( 'show_freshness_link' => true, 'freshness_author_before' => '<div class="author-box">', 'freshness_author_after' => '</div>')

    You can then change the freshness_author_before and the freshness_author_after values to change the html.

    Good luck!



    That should echo it out for you as well I think.

    If it doesn’t then you can just use echo in front of it. Might be a good idea to get to grips with a bit of PHP if you are looking at anymore customization.

    It is fairly easy to move things around and echo different bits out.

    echo bbp_user_profile_edit_url();

    That is it



    Inside your theme folder for bbpress.




    bbPress is now just a plugin.

    Once you install the plugin and activate it, then you will see all of the forum options down the left hand side.

    It adds custom post types and works inside wordpress rather than alongside it.

    Good luck!



    You might have to do a bit of coding on this one, I am not sure.

    When you are on the main url of the forum the list item has all of the current_ classes.

    After navigation to any other page it loses those classes, so the css is fine, it’s just the fact that the classes are lost.

    So you would need to do a bit of coding to find out if the current page is a child of /moto-forums/ and then add the class in if it is.

    Good luck!



    These will do the majority of your forum, in fact, I think they might do all of them? Check it out and see what you get.

    if (get_post_type() == 'forum')
    if (get_post_type() == 'topic')
    if (get_post_type() == 'reply')

    if((get_post_type() == 'forum') or (get_post_type() == 'topic') or (get_post_type() == 'reply')) {
    } else {

    Give it a try.



    Have you tested it with the twentyten theme?

    If that works, then it could be an issue with the theme being out of date.

    Good luck!



    I found this in the template files.

    <?php bbp_user_profile_edit_url(); ?>



    So all you need to do at the moment is have something like:

    a custom page metabox for the post which saves the forum id after it has been created by the Posts 2 Posts plugin.

    Then in your single.php file you can use the bbPress functions to retrieve the relevant topics for the forum id assigned to that post.

    if ( bbp_has_topics( array( 'post_parent' => $postmeta["forum_id"] ) ) )
    bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/loop', 'topics' );



    Oh right ok.

    You may want to use something like:

    if ( bbp_has_topics( array( 'author' => 0, 'show_stickies' => true, 'order' => 'DESC', 'posts_per_page' => 5 ) ) )
    bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/loop', 'topics' );



    Hi Scheena,

    I did it with the following piece of code:

    <div id="recent-topics-block">
    if ( bbp_has_topics( array( 'author' => 0, 'show_stickies' => false, 'order' => 'DESC', 'post_parent' => 'any', 'posts_per_page' => 5 ) ) )
    bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/loop', 'latest-topics' );



    You would probably have to look into either, building your own plugin to create the widget (Which you could do quickly by replicating the bbPress widget code) or customize the bbPress widget.

    This could also be achieved with css, by having a fixed height and width and then adding overflow hidden, but you would have a little difficulty with the … part.

    Good luck!




    bbp_list_forums( array ('forum_id' => '') );

    will return a list of the forums, you just need to specify it with a forum ID. Which you might be able to get from your post meta data?



    Hmm, well it might be the long task of going through your template files and comparing them with Twentyten, specifically the ones that are not working.

    Good luck!



    What about putting your post in the forum description area?

    Then styling the forum description as a full post and positioning it above the forum header. By using some clever position:relative and position:absolute you could achieve what you are looking for.

    This would mean removing the base url for forums and using the forums as a way of publishing your posts.

    The big issue with this is of course the compatibility with plugins that attach themselves to post actions.

    Other than that I would think it requires creating a very custom plugin.



    So just to clarify, you want a whole forum for each post, not a topic for each post?

    @dannyjimmy lol, thanks! Yes I am the non upside down one :p



    Would there be any issues with just creating topics and not posts?

    Style the first reply as a blog post and then have the rest of the replies inside the forum style? You could then remove the base of the forum and have the links from your root domain.

    I am probably overlooking something big though.



    Two things I like to try when attempting to find a problem with bbPress is to:

    Switch to a default bbPress theme, like twentyten.

    Go to settings > Permalinks and update my permalinks again.

    The second one fixes a few issues and the first one lets you know if it is a problem with your template, or a problem with your data.

    Good luck!



    I have hosting with a similar company, they seem fine but my traffic is not very large at the moment.

    As with all websites, it will depend on the amount of traffic you receive and the level of hosting you purchase from Godaddy.



    Have you tried adding a post inside wp-admin to see what results you get on the front end?



    Have you made sure akismet is updated to the latest version?

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