lowgiweightloss (@lowgiweightloss)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @lowgiweightloss


    Thanks, I eventually got part of this fixed by changing the permission inside Godaddy, that’s what was causing the errors on install.

    Yes the files are installed on my server location happybod_web/forum/ directory. My blog is also installed in the happybod_web directory but I just need to go to happybod.com to access the blog and happybod.com/forum to access the forum.

    However, now I am having a different but kinda similar problem:

    When I type in http://www.happybod.com/forum/ I cannot see my blog.

    But if I type in http://www.happybod.com/forum/bb-admin, it will go to the admin page and if I click on the link from there to the happybod forum, it will gladly go to http://www.happybod.com/forum.

    SO it’s there! But I cannot type in the URL directly!!

    Does anyone know about this?

    (I’m also have a problem with my happybod.com/wp-admin blog login page that keeps redirecting back to the login page…woerd, but that’s for another forum)



    Thanks, but I created a completely new database in godaddy via phpmyadmin.

    it does not have any data in it yet. Are you suggesting I delete the database rows anyway?


    In reply to: cannot login to admin



    Oh Thank you so much ashfame, it worked!!!



    In reply to: cannot login to admin



    @gerikg “if you have FTP access you can rename the smpt plugin folder to deactivate it and then try the lost password link again. “

    this did not work

    @zaerl You can open phpmyadmin and manually alterate the database table changing “user_pass” to a well-know value.

    I did this, changing user_pass to “password” (nce and simple) and it still does not like my password. I changed the user_login and that worked, it accepted the new login, but for some reason it doesn’t like new password (or old one).

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