larmir (@larmir)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @larmir


    baptiste – thank you. This worked like a charm. Problem resolved and I can’t thank you enough.



    This seems to work for the text. Thanks so much baptiste.

    One more question, the issue still exists in the title. I’m guessing I need to update this expression, just unsure of the syntax:

    function get_topic_title( $id = 0 ) {

    global $topic;

    if ( $id )

    $topic = get_topic( $id );

    return apply_filters( 'get_topic_title', $topic->topic_title, $id );




    No, we haven’t. Chrishajer’s (Chris) been graciously helping me off the forum since I’m working with a private forum. He’s spent quite a bit of time on this and hasn’t found a solution. He had some great ideas, they just didn’t work. My next step is to contact my host and talk with them. They host WordPress so perhaps they know something indepth about bbPress. If I find a solution, I’ll let you know.

    I do want to thank Chris for all the time and effort he’s put into this for me. Thank you, Chris.



    I’m getting slashes added to apostrophes and quotes.

    I’d like to give you a URL, but can I do so through email? The forum is private and so I don’t want to publish its URL here.

    Here’s my email address dawudmiracle TA gmail TOD com. If you could send me yours, I will forward you a link. Sorry for wanting to remain private – I’m not the only one using our forum and I’d like to be sure its privacy isn’t compromised.

    Thanks for continuing to help.

    MODERATED: obfuscated email address



    PHP Version 5.1.2

    Yes, I have the ability to use .htaccess. Though I don’t no much about its parameters. I’ve used it for 301 redirects and that’s about it. Help with writing anything for the .htaccess would be greatly appreciated.

    One bit, I have WordPress on the same server using the same database (bbPress is integrated) and this is NOT an issue in WP – only in bbPress.



    Did this. Here’s my magic_quotes settings…

    magic_quotes_gpc Off Off

    magic_quotes_runtime Off Off

    magic_quotes_sybase Off Off

    This any help?



    mysql on DreamHost. Don’t know what you mean by collation.

    I’d really like to know how to fix this.



    I’m still having the problem. Can anyone help?

    If it is the ‘php magic quotes issue’ can someone let me know what to look at to fix it?



    Anyone have any other ideas? This slash thing is driving us crazy…



    My database is UTF-8. I also have the same database shares tables with WordPress and BBPress. WordPress does not have this problem. Though it happens with all apostrophes and quotation marks on BBPress – new posts and edits. With edits, it will keep adding slashes each time a post/thread is edited.

    Any ideas where to look? I’d really like to get this solved.

    BTW, what is the ‘PHP magic quotes issue?’



    Trying to re-up this post to find solution. Thanks ben-h, will see what I can find out on the db config.

    On futher review, this IS happening on new posts. Any idea where to turn – other than the db?

    In reply to: Creating live URLs



    Got it!

    Didn’t use back ticks – just straight code and it works fine.

    Don’t know how I missed this.



    Found my solution here….

    Thanks astereo:

    Solved my problem. It was coming from


    $bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix.


    $bb->wp_home = false; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash


    $bb->wp_siteurl = false; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash

    I had set the urls only to, when I added the http and www it worked fine.

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