kwmoon01 (@kwmoon01)

Forum Replies Created

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  • kwmoon01


    Hi Robin, not sure if you received my last post. I’m using bbpress without buddypress. Buddypress has continuously glitched on me. As mentioned before, I am trying to create a social media forum. The problem I am having is small customization for the profile. I want to get rid of the hover text over the tabs. I wish to change the font style. I still want to change the word subscribe under the subscriptions. How do I make these small changes. Or could I suggest you add them to your style pack and bbp profile information plugins. I am willing to donate to add these features to your plugins, since you seem to be the only one still invested in bbpress.



    I am no longer getting the same errors. However, I still have not been able to change the word Subscribed within the profile page as well as, the subscriptions sub-text that pops up when you scroll over subscriptions (Endorsements.)



    Hi Robin! so sorry for the late reply. Hope you enjoyed your holiday. I was switching hosting plans. I moved from shared hosting to vps hosting. Also, I changed the wording for the buttons in the forum button section of your style pack. Since I started my website over, I am not sure what code I used to change the subscriptions name section in the profile page.



    Hi Robin, I’m building a social media forum. I am using your bbpress style pack. I changed the subscribe button to endorse and the unsubscribe function to unendorsed. I also changed subscriptions to endorsements in the profile section. Those changes have led to an error message about your style pack within the profile page. I really don’t want to use the word subscribe or its variations. How do I fix this error and change the word subscribe, subscriber, and subscription site wide.

    It says:

    Warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed: quantifier does not follow a repeatable item at offset 0 in /home/noisvjkg/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbp-style-pack/includes/functions.php on line 364



    Thanks for responding Robin. I am also having the same issue with the BBpress messages. I’m just gonna uninstall them. Maybe there is some other alternative.

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