Forum Replies Created
In reply to: conflict nicer permalink anc upload avatars
thank you, I try to install bavatars a lot of time but avatar not appear than I decide to use avatar upload
In reply to: where is the problem? forum on wp pageps. the first line echo is
echo “<tr><td> link of (bbpress/forum.php?id=”.$result->forum_id.”‘>”.$result->forum_name.”)</td>”;
I SOLVED put $result->posts. instead $result->forum_posts.
In reply to: where is the problem? forum on wp pagethank you for the answer, I change the quotes but the problem persist
In reply to: css input problemIn reply to: themes problem and quote ajax problemok, I copy only html! thank you
In reply to: themes problem and quote ajax problemmmm if I put
<?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&child_of=172&depth=1’); ?>
don’t work….if a load wp-load.php it work.
In reply to: themes problem and quote ajax problemI ask you another thing, there is a way for put a menu of wordpress (then with wp_list_page() ) pages on bbpress forum without insert:
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/../wp-load.php’); ??
if I do the deep integration putting this string on my bb-config a plugin go in conflict…
ay idea?
Is better then i’m open a new topic?
In reply to: themes problem and quote ajax problemthank you very very much! I save your fantastic page for the future!
In reply to: themes problem and quote ajax problemif I put the theme on my-templates don’t work, if I put the theme on bb-templates it works
In reply to: themes problem and quote ajax problemnow it works, thank you.
For the theme?
In reply to: themes problem and quote ajax problemI try to delete and upload, i try to overwrite two times but nothing… the same problem, the permission are 770
In reply to: [help] integrationHi thank you but my problem is another, my problem is to load bb-load instead wp-load
In reply to: ' when i use apostropheops… are 2 weeks that try wp3 and i’m confused…i use wp 2.9, excuse me
In reply to: ' when i use apostropheyes, wp 3.0
In reply to: ' when i use apostrophei try to write anything on a new post but it remains
In reply to: ' when i use apostropheooooops, i add all excuse me but i’m not expert… now i remove the red code and add green code but the slah remain
In reply to: ' when i use apostropheHi, I use 1.0.2, I have added this line
on my bb-setting.php but now if I update the topic there era 7 slash instead 1
In reply to: ' when i use apostropheyes, it could be the problem?
In reply to: ' when i use apostropheany idea?
In reply to: ' when i use apostropheexcuse me, bbpress 1.0.2, integrate with WordPress (cookie + user + template), this is the url
I’m not use buddypress or wpmu.
thank you very much
In reply to: Any idea to integrate wp and bb login forms?there is a way for add in this function the form of login?instead use a link to wp-login.php have a form where put user and pass?
So we can have on wordpress sidebar the Form for login, the link for register when user isn’t logged and whe can have a link to admin dashboard or a link to the profile page when the user is logged
thank you
In reply to: bb-load, bbsync & wp_plugin_bbPress_IntegrationHi, yes is the same problem happan on endurodoc, now I put all on a web site test,
0 plugin,
[07-May-2010 17:06:04] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wp_clone() (previously declared in /home/scroccon/public_html/wordpress/forum/bb-includes/backpress/functions.core.php:1043) in /home/scroccon/public_html/wordpress/wp-settings.php on line 308
In reply to: bb-load, bbsync & wp_plugin_bbPress_Integrationthen, now with your path is ok!i make a mistake, the file was find but, i get this error:
[06-May-2010 19:02:23] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wp_clone() (previously declared in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wp2.9/bbpress/bb-includes/backpress/functions.core.php:1043) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wp2.9/wp-settings.php on line 308
some ideas?
tank you very much for your help
In reply to: bb-load, bbsync & wp_plugin_bbPress_IntegrationI try your path but nothing… I also try to put the code on wp-config of my site online, where the path is but nothing… blank page!
In reply to: bb-load, bbsync & wp_plugin_bbPress_Integrationmmm, than…i work in localhost, with mamp, the folder of the sites (the mamp folder) is htdocs, my site is here:
while bbpress is here
require_once( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . ‘/bbpress/bb-load.php’ );
define(‘WP_BB’, true);
which is the path?
theoretically is /bbpress/bb-load.php beacause bb-load.php in the bbpress folder inside the wp folder…right?where is the mistake?