Julien1975 (@julien1975)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @julien1975


    Again, reading twice my post looks something rude, I didn’t mean that, I wanteded to confirm my confidence to bbPress 🙂 Posting our tries to fix/turnaround the problem is a proven love to bbPress.



    Hi John, sorry but I don’t agree with your statement: if I only update one plugin in a “everything is fine” wp environment and after the update “something is broken”, it’s quite easy to think by cause-effect considering the only perfomed change as the cause of the problem.

    I do also have “All in one SEO pack” installed, but I did’t update/change that, so thank you everyone else to point on common element which may be in conflict with bbPress.



    Fixed my forum (but not solved).

    What I did:
    1) deactivate plugin + delete plugin
    2) manually installed older version from SVN (https://bbpress.svn.wordpress.org/branches/2.2/)
    3) export forum data (from Tools)
    4) reset forum plugin
    5) update plugin through standard plugin process
    6) installed wordpress import plugin
    7) imported forum data



    Try hitting Tools > Forums > Repair Forums
    …and run the “Remap existing users to default forum roles” fixer.

    I’ve checked the db for the admin user settings looks correct:
    |10 |1 | wp_capabilities| a:2:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;s:13:”bbp_keymaster”;b:1;}

    Unfortunately it I cannot enter to “Tools -> Forums -> Repais forums” as the whole plugin is locked.
    Can you post the SQL query in order to reset the forums ? I really prefer to reset it from scratch rather than having no control of it.

    Thank you for your help



    that didn’t work for me, unfortunately 🙁



    Unfortunately my bbPress does not allow admin to access settings anymore.
    Forum is still publicly visible and it’s possible to post, but settings are “gone”.

    I tried to figure out for 2 hours before writing here.
    Wordpress debug says: PHP Notice: bbp_setup_current_user was called incorrectly. The current user is being initialized without using $wp->init().

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