jthomps (@jthomps)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @jthomps


    Well I downloaded eventcalendar311rc2.zip and installed. Now, when I do a search in WP, no error message.



    I deativated all plugins in WP and reactivated them one by one. Event Calendar 3 is causing the error.

    “WordPress database error: [Table ‘jamtho_southerillinoiswatcher.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.* FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_post2cat ec3_post2cat ON ec3_post2cat.post_id=id LEFT JOIN wp_ec3_schedule ec3_sch ON ec3_sch.post_id=id AND ec3_sch.end>=’2007-10-08 00:00:00′ WHERE 1=1 AND (((post_title LIKE ‘%hello%’) OR (post_content LIKE ‘%hello%’))) AND post_type = ‘post’ AND (post_status = ‘publish’ OR post_status = ‘private’) AND (ec3_sch.post_id IS NOT NULL OR ec3_post2cat.category_id!=3) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 10″

    I am working to resolve.




    I did get the plugin activated and it is working now. Thanks for the support.



    Man, I can’t believe that I forgot to reactivate the plugins after reinstall. chrishajer, Thanks! bbPress Support Forums do “Rock!”

    In reply to: 404 Not Found



    Thanks for this post! It worked for me.



    Anyone know how to correct this error? “Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pm_fp_link() in /hsphere/local/home/jamtho/southernillinoiswatcher.com/forums/bb-templates/kakumei/front-page.php on line 70”

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