jpbruckler (@jpbruckler)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @jpbruckler


    I modified login-form.php in my theme. I changed the form action to my main site’s wp-login.php.

    I then changed the name and id attributes of the username and password input boxes to match those that are expected in wp-login.php.

    In WordPress, I used Peter’s Redirection plugin to redirect forum users back to the forum when they login.

    <form name="loginform" id="loginform" class="login" method="post" action="http://<yoursite>/wp-login.php">
    <label for="quick_user_login"><?php _e('Username'); ?></label>
    <input class="input-text" name="log" type="text" id="user_login" size="13" maxlength="40" value="<?php if (!is_bool($user_login)) echo $user_login; ?>" tabindex="1" />

    <label for="quick_password"><?php _e( 'Password' ); ?></label>
    <input class="input-text" name="pwd" type="password" id="user_pass" size="13" maxlength="40" tabindex="2" />

    <input name="re" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $re; ?>" />
    <?php wp_referer_field(); ?>

    <input type="submit" name="Submit" class="submit" value="<?php echo esc_attr__( 'Log in &raquo;' ); ?>" tabindex="4" />
    <div class="remember">
    <input name="remember" type="checkbox" id="quick_remember" value="1" checked="checked" tabindex="3"<?php echo $remember_checked; ?> />
    <label for="quick_remember"><?php _e('Remember me'); ?></label>

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