Yes, indeed. Sorry, I didn’t find that thread when I searched earlier .__.
I found out that the CSS class for the definition of the pagination was missing in the CSS file of the theme. I’ve added it but can’t figure out how to change the space between the page numbers. I tried padding, margin and letter-spacing and they all worked for the text (“next” & “previous”) but not for the page numbers 
EDIT: OK, works now but looks still stupid *sigh*
Oh, OK.
I’m using the Structure theme but I just realized (by seeing it in it’s native state at that the problem with missing spaces between the numbers seems to be something I screwed since it works in the original.
Hm, I don’t know if I have PHP error logs somewhere to be honest, I’m not that good with that stuff, sorry xD
I just looked into the cPanel of my Server and it has a few logs but nothing related to PHP.
Ah, well, it’s not that important anyways since everything is actually working as far as I can tell, I just thought I could ask if it’s a bug or feature