Jon Fergus (@jon-fergus)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @jon-fergus


    Update: if you disable “Allow Akismet to actively prevent forum spam” under Settings > Forums, this will allow members who have been given the unfiltered_html capability to post replies freely without them being marked as spam. Aside from fully disabling it, I haven’t found a way to stop Akismet from marking the replies as spam. If anyone knows how, please share.

    Note: use the wordpress plugin “User Role Editor” to enable the unfiltered_html capability. It can be done on a user-by-user basis, so you can select only those you fully trust, or by member roles, so, for instance, you could use “contributor” for those you trust, instead of “subscriber” and enable unfiltered_html for the contributor role.



    Correction from the above: after enabling the unfiltered_html capability for a specific user, that user posted a reply, and the reply was set as “spam” by default. So… looks like all I need is to know how to make those replies not be identified as spam. Any ideas?



    replies with “unrestricted html” issue: top reply is from regular member, second reply is from admin, third reply is from regular member after adding to child theme’s functions.php.



    Hi Robkk. I’m interested in allowing unrestricted html for certain known and approved members. I was able to use a User Role editor to allow specific users to post unrestricted html using the unfiltered_html capability, and when I log in with a test member (participant level), I can see the warning “Your account has the ability to post unrestricted HTML content” but when I make a reply with that member the reply doesn’t show up (after I click “submit” the page reloads but there’s no new reply). Seems like it’s being blocked from posting or something. Do you know what else I need to do in order to allow this member to reply with unrestricted html and have it actually work?

    p.s. I tried this but it didn’t solve the problem of regular members not being able to copy/paste from other programs (like Word) without the code showing up in the reply. See here: example of posting before and after adding code to functions.php to enable html formatting



    Just realized that this issue is actually a bit different than I stated above. When an admin or keymaster on our site copy/pastes into a reply to a topic, the reply formats properly. When a regular member (contributor or participant) copy/pastes the exact same thing, the formatting shows up *both* in the reply itself on the topic and in the notification email. See here:

    identical copy/paste reply by keymaster and participant

    So then, of course, the notification email from the participant member includes the formatting marks as well. So the issue is actually somewhere between pasting into the “visual” button of the reply form and bbpress posting the reply after the member clicks “submit”.



    Thanks robkk, but I tried what you said and it seems to have had no impact. Functionality stayed the same. When members click the reply button, the page still reloads and auto-scrolls them to the reply-form. Tried it with three different users, on Chrome, Firefox and Edge. Any further ideas?



    Moderators… why redact the only possible way for people to see the functionality I’m asking about? I posted this discussion on the buddypress site and the mods there told me it was stupid to post a link to our site when only members can see the reply-form. I also posted this same question a week ago here and it was simply deleted with no explanation. So I post here again with a way for people to see the functionality on our site and it gets redacted. How am I supposed to get any help with this question?



    Ok, so I’ve added the ability to include a featured image for forums and topics. BUT…. the featured image for forums isn’t being recognized as the og:image when I run it through the facebook debugger. Any ideas why that would be?

    Here’s the forum I’m using as the test:

    This is the image I set as the featured image:

    But facebook seems to be picking up the first image it finds within the forum.

    Also…. I’d like to add a featured image that works as the og:image for groups. Any idea how to do that?



    For those who have added the code from palmdoc’s instructions here, you’ll also likely need to change user role permissions so that they can upload inline images to all topics. Solution is here:



    FYI: To make sure lower user roles can upload images to topics inline in their replies, the solution for me was to allow edit_others_topics and upload_files for the user role. As far as I can tell, checking this allows them to upload inline images in their comments but doesn’t let them actually edit the topics of others, oddly enough. So the solution seems to work without any additional problems being created by the extra permission.

    Note: I’m also using the adminimize plugin to hide dashboard options for lower user roles, which keeps them from seeing the topics menu or anything else in the backend, so there’s no worry about them having increased permissions so long as they’re stuck only editing/commenting from the front end.



    Solution for me was to allow edit_others_topics and upload_files for the user role. As far as I can tell, checking this allows them to upload inline images in their comments but doesn’t let them actually edit the topics of others, oddly enough. So the solution seems to work without any additional problems being created by the extra permission.

    Note: I’m also using the adminimize plugin to hide dashboard options for lower user roles, which keeps them from seeing the topics menu or anything else in the backend, so there’s no worry about them having increased permissions so long as they’re stuck only editing/commenting from the front end.



    Just thought I’d share this here, as an alternative option. You can also hide the tag label and input form using css:

    input#bbp_topic_tags {
    display: none;
    label[for=bbp_topic_tags] {
    display: none !important;



    Ah, thanks. That works. However, it doesn’t show me a <description>, which is a real bummer. It seems that the ?type=topic filter gets rid of the description, which means I get no excerpt when I display the feed. Do you know of any way to get the excerpt back?

    I did also find a way to use the topic-tags for rss, so that might be a work around for now. Here’s an example:



    I’ve been struggling with this for days now and still can’t come up with something that’ll work.

    I can get a site-wide rss feed that is restricted to only “topics” without replies, thus:

    But as soon as I try to do this for a specific group forum, it includes replies also, thus:
    I’ve also tried just ?type=topic as you suggested but to no avail.

    I’m trying to find other work-arounds. Like, for instance, is there a way to set up an rss feed based on “topic tags”, or to somehow filter the rss feed by “topic tags”?

    This seems like it should be such a simple thing, but for the life of me I just can’t find a solution……

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