johnjack (@johnjack)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjack


    Correct, however your installation needs to have access to the hta access file, which ours doesn’t because we are on a shared server.

    If you change the permalinks you get 404 errors on all of the post links as it cant change the rewrite rule in the hta file



    I am still struggling with the same issues.
    As I dont have access to the hat access file changing permalinks isn’t an option, as it just ends up with all of my links not being rewritten and 404 errors on everything.




    Hi Robin,

    Thanks for the attempt.
    Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to present a fix.
    Same behavior as before, we get a 404 Error is the forum is a child





    @robin-w I beg to differ a little, the behaviour seems to suggest it is something else going on.

    It is only child forums that seem to be having this issue.
    If a forum is is set up as a child of a forum (set as type category) the result is a 404 Error.
    if that link is broken (the forum has been set to have no parent) then the forum loads.

    The permalink doesn’t change ?forum=general query string is the same for both. This is with all plugins disabled and on different themes.

    There must be something that works differently code wise between the two.
    Seems very odd.

    It has also worked quite happily for the last year on default permalinks with the current plugin setup quite happily.
    Something has changed the method in the way that it works, either through a bbpress release or WordPress 4.0 release




    All ‘repairs’ have been ran.

    The issue still exists



    Thanks Stephen,

    1. Is this the same permalink setting you have always used?

    We have used the default permalink structure since the outset about 18 months ago, this has never been changed. Forums have been working for this period with current set up.

    2. Have you run any of the repair tools? Can you try running each of them and see if there is a change? (Tools -> Forums)

    No, not yet, I will go through and run them now and reply on this forum



    Sorry, had already tested without any plugins activated and the issue still persisted.

    I have deactivated all the plugins again for you.
    Still getting same bahavior



    Tried that, still get the 404 error when the Forum is parented.
    We are currently set on default as you can see from the query string.

    The following link, when ‘general’ has a parent it gives a 404 error, when I remove the parent it works.




    So full issue,
    If I go to the top level (category) forum


    this work and show the forums below it however if you try and access the forums


    for example you get a 404 error
    Trying to access individual topic


    for example works.

    Creating a New Forum by itself with no parent also works.
    However when I add a parent to it, it gives me a 404 Error when I try to view it.

    I have this forum set to type category


    this currently has two children
    both of which show a 404 Error when you try to open them (even when you ‘view’ from the edit screen.
    However when I go into and edit these forums to have no parent, then click view. I can see them

    This has happened since upgrading to WordPress 4.0
    This behavior persists even with all other plugins disabled on the site

    This narrows it down to something happening with the parenting of forums
    I don’t really code in PHP so cant really give much more insight.

    Any help would be appreciated, if any more info is required please ask





    Anyone, is there anyway to do this??

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