joejozwowski (@joejozwowski)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Random Topic Link



    Stephen, Now, Obviously, I would plunk that function in my functions.php page, but the two main things that I would like to specify is:

    • I need to put this link in a menu
    • I would like to specify particular forums the random would link to.
    • Is this possible with what you have supplied?

    In reply to: Random Topic Link



    Do I need to remove the functions in the function.php page? Because all I am getting is a blank white page.

    In reply to: Random Topic Link



    could I put that in a page or post, rather than the code?

    In reply to: Random Topic Link




    I just realized that you are calling $wp.

    If the prefix for my database was changed, would this have anything to do with why it is not working?

    In reply to: Random Topic Link



    BTW.. I tried both versions of the $posts = get_posts() calls.

    In reply to: Random Topic Link



    ok… so I pasted the following into my functions.php page:

    function random_post() {
           global $wp;
           add_rewrite_rule('random/?$', 'index.php?random=1', 'top');
    function random_template() {
           if (get_query_var('random') == 1) {
                   $posts = get_posts('post_type=post&orderby=rand&numberposts=1');
                   foreach($posts as $post) {
                           $link = get_permalink($post);

    And then in my menu I created a LINK element and pasted this into the URL field:


    And all I get is a blank page

    In reply to: Random Topic Link



    Sweet… do I could just put the: “/?random=1” in the URL field of a menu item and BLAM

    Say I wanted to pull from two specific forum topics, how would I incorporate that?

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