jobzesage (@jobzesage)

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  • @jobzesage


    Hi Begis,

    Your 1) solution isn’t really an option. The automatic updating mechanism from WordPress will overwrite the whole plugin’s folder. And trading automatic update for manual… well, it’s likely that some time someone will run the automatic by mistake.

    The 2) solution sounds good, but I guess it involves quite some work to develop the plugin ?

    Does anyone knows if the WordPress team has some guidelines, I’m too new to plugin development to know, and I didn’t seem to find anything.



    I’m quite new to the whole localization deal so I’m not quite sure.

    Apparently the folder /wp-include/languages/ is for the translation of WordPress itself. So my guess is that /wp-content/languages/ would be the best place to place the translations.

    Then its not affected by theme or plugin updates, and yet it’s in wp-content which is the folder that should contain every non-standard WordPress files so that it’s easy to update WordPress itself.

    I’m not sure if it is a standard folder, of it’s the plugin qTranslate that created it.

    Some other thoughts ?



    Oh man, I wish there was a better documentation for this, it’s not that easy to figure out… after a couple of hours of Googleing and trying all kinds of combinations, the only thing that works for me is :

    Place the mo files in the plugin language folder as following /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-languages/

    This is not ideal, as next time we update bbpress the translation files will be overwritten. The translation files should probably be in : /wp-content/languages/, in /wp-include/languages/ or in the child theme we use but none of these work for me.

    Any ideas on how to have the translation files outside of the plugin directory?

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