itsmifred (@itsmifred)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @itsmifred


    Ok Robin, it’s quite simple to resume.

    – connected subscribers access a new topic or reply by clicking on the link contained in the notification email.
    – subscribers who are not logged in are redirected to the login page by clicking on the link in the notification email, but after login are not redirected to the topic.

    I’m a bit surprised that you’re asking me how bbp style pack is configured because you’ve had access to the admin of my test site.If you ask information about my configuration I’ll tell you as long as I understand the question.

    I’m very grateful to you because, contrary to what you say, you spend time solving other people’s problems.



    yes Robin,that was a mistake. Sorry for this confusion. They both work similar.

    I also tried to put forums public + snippet to redirect visitors to login.

    But the result is exactly the same. After login there is no redirect to the topic.

    here is the snippet if you are curious :

    * Redirect bbPress pages for visitors
    function yzc_redirect_bbpress_to_login_page() {
        if ( ! is_user_logged_in() && ( function_exists( 'is_bbpress') && is_bbpress() ) ) {
            // Set Redirection Url
            $redirect_url = '';
            wp_redirect( $redirect_url );
    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'yzc_redirect_bbpress_to_login_page' );

    Do you think possible to redirect to private topic after login ?




    I said something about email error but forget it, emails are well working.

    Problem is to go to default page after login instead of URL link include in the email.
    Not appropriate. People want to open the page they asked for from the email. This is the way with public forum or already logged in. But we can’t expect users to be connected all the time. Right ?






    probably I din’t well understand what information you ask. I am going to read again…



    Hi Robin,
    yes and no. you’re right you did with bbp Style pack auto fix auto login working without getting a 404 page, so yes.
    But still after login user don’t go auto to topic, so no.
    isn’t it ?
    Again, I am not to good in English and often confused !
    Best regards !



    5.9.O is working too, I can see that on production site… I don’t know why but automatic update keep me 5.8.9 on my test site…

    thanks again dear…



    Hi Robin,

    yes I confirm (Version 5.8.9) and you’re right, if I activate the fix in Style Pack, warning don’t appears. Well done, I think it’s ok…




    Snippet automatically deactivated due to an error on line 3:
    Cannot redeclare function bsp_count_forums.



    Hi again,

    oops ! not yet… there is a new warning in admin Dashboard > At a Glance :

    Warning: Undefined array key “forum_count_int” in /home/clients/3db470ac3c186374a924a94534df90ab/sites/ on line 52



    Hi Robin,

    thank you so much for your work, here is where I am :

    . no more warning Forums
    . but count was double ; Tell 20 when there is 10 forums…

    I checked and it was because I had a previous snippet ; when I disable that one, your code seems to be well working. Here is the previous one (made because without it only public forums were counted). Can you confirm please I can delete it and keep only yours ?

    `function bbpress_include_private_posts_count($statistics, $r, $args){
    if( isset($statistics[‘forum_count’]) ){
    $private = wp_count_posts(“forum”)->private;
    if( !empty($private) ){
    $statistics[‘forum_count’] = $private + $statistics[‘forum_count’];
    return $statistics;
    add_filter(‘bbp_get_statistics’, ‘bbpress_include_private_posts_count’, 999, 3);



    yes it is, the [bbp-stats] shortcode…

    My idea is just to communicate URL of this page to moderators whose role is more to facilitate trade than to control it (2/3 members in the private of a fellow workers’ group).
    That way they could easily,simply and clearly get an overview of the forums…

    in that way, I would say it is more appropriate just logged in…



    well no, I’d like the template to display the exact number of forums, whether public or private, the total number.
    Isn’t that what it’s supposed to do?
    By the way, that’s what I’m getting at the moment, but for that we need at least one forum with “Public” visibility. Otherwise there is a warning. Of course I could also disable warnings…

    (you seem tireless Robin, is the W for Wood 😉



    HI Robin,
    in fact, sorry I didn’t pay enough attention, but when Yousify is not activated the warning is else :


    Warning: Undefined array key “forum_count” in /home/clients/3db470ac3c186374a924a94534df90ab/sites/ on line 27



    Support Yousify told me the warning appears even when Yousify is deactivated and this is right. I checked it myself (cleared cache)…
    Anyway I am going to keep trying to find…




    Best regards



    Hi Robin,

    I’m sorry, but I can only contradict you: Yousify deactivated and cache cleared the warning still appears.

    Warning don’t appear only if at least one forum is “Public” visibility.
    All forums “Private” and none “Public” make the warning appears.



    Pretty glad too that… you got it !!!



    Yes Robin, this is working.

    So : I tried again you first add and it is working fine !

    the html space code is still visible in TEXTE mode but not in the email.

    I am very sorry because of still in the TEXTE mode visible I didn’t even tried first time to send a test subject and make you loosing time !

    thank you for your perseverance and kindness.

    I tried on the staging clone but I am going to use it on the production one. Thanks again.




    hi Robin,here it is :

    1) function file without you add :

    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘theme_enqueue_styles’ );
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );

    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘style_theme_enfant’, 20 );
    function style_theme_enfant() {
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘child-style’, get_stylesheet_uri() );

    function my_custom_member_list_sort( $ret ) {
    $ret[‘type’] = ‘alphabetical’;
    return $ret;
    add_filter( ‘bp_after_has_members_parse_args’, ‘my_custom_member_list_sort’ );

    bbp Style pack
    BP Profile Search
    BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types
    Fix Forum Emails
    GD bbPress Attachments




    Hi orangeturtle ! that was 3 years ago, did you find a way?



    Yes exactly this `  and to be exact :

    appears when you make 2 line breaks and not just one.
    In other words, when you break a line.

    would this require a different php formulation?

    Anyway, thank you very much…



    Hi Robin,

    thanks again but doesn’t make any difference… (I cleared the browser cache after child theme’s function file update)




    You’re right Robin but the thing is :

    a line feed generates html characters set for a space ( ). These unwanted characters are not visible in VISUAL mode, but are visible in TEXTE mode (and can therefore be deleted in TEXT mode, but users don’t necessarily think to do so).

    So, this happen before the email has been send.



    You’re right, this is what I have to do…

    no need to install new plugin I do have a staging clone…


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