Inquirer (@inquirer)

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  • @inquirer


    Hi chrishajer:

    I moved the files you listed to my-templates folder then edited using the code

    <?php echo date(“D M j Y G:i:s”, strtotime($topic->topic_time)); ?>

    I FTPed the files to my server.

    The new date time format appears to be working.




    The following code is in the front-page.php file

    <th><?php _e(‘Freshness’); ?></th>

    What file contains the code to change the Freshness of post format from the default of Days to the Date – Hours – Minutes ?



    Hi chrishajer:

    When I login the introduction reads Welcome, Moderator!

    Though when I goto my User Profile I am AdministrationUser Type: Key Master.

    I would think it should read Welcome, Key Master!

    I followed your steps and was able to delete users, which were potential spammers.

    Thank you for your response.



    Hi ck:

    [Remember that the date will be relative to worldwide visitors unless you list the timezone (which will be meaningless to people far outside the timezone).]

    The time isn’t of concern. I would like it to initialize to my time zone of U.S Central.

    Actually, I prefer to display the date format you have implemented in the the mouseover without implementing a mouseover rather than the current number of days format.

    What would be the code and which file is it located?

    Thank you for your response to my inquiry.



    #profile-menu {

    list-style: none;

    position: absolute;

    left: 200 px;


    It fixes to the left.

    I have tried varaiations.

    The style_old.css has the same code for the profile menu.

    I wonder how it got out of wack.



    I dropped the bbPress tables in my database and did a reinstall.

    The installation went fine.

    I discovered my original installation falied because of a typo

    I had entered ‘;;

    I should have entered ‘;;

    On this install I didn’t want to integrate with the WordPress database.

    Now I need to learn how to customize the forum’s appearance.

    Is there a way to change the forum name within Administration or will I have to edit the config.php file and FTP it?

    Is a lot of customization done through plugins and php templates?

    I found this online.

    [The best way to start off is to create a new directory inside the root folder of the bbpress install called “my-templates”. Any php templates place in this folder with the same name as in “bb-templates” will override the original files. For example, if you modify front-page.php and upload it to “my-templates”, bbpress will pull the customized front-page.php file.]

    Fore instance I like adding the ‘This topic is one of your favorites’ feature.



    In the bbPress config.php file is the following

    You can get an Akismet key at


    I registered with and received an Akismet key, which I have put in the bbPress config.php

    I posted a question forum and discovered that there is a and a I have blog software, which is able to be customized.

    I then registered with forums.

    Is bbPress related with or



    I was using WinSCP to connect my server via SSH.

    According to the WinSCP web site their SSH protocol core is based on PuTTY.

    I entered the command mysql -p in the command text box and clicked the Enter button

    It kept timing out.

    It is odd the WinSCP FTP client part of the software works fine.

    I installed PuTTY and I was able to login to my database and dropped the bbPress tables.

    I realize that the phpAdmin software provides a more user friendly interface to a MySql database.



    At the top of the config.php files of bbPress and WordPress these values will be the same.


    // ** MySQL settings ** //

    define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ”); // The name of the database

    define(‘BBDB_USER’, ”); // Your MySQL username

    define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ”); // …and password

    define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value

    Trent wrote:

    [For bbPress and WP to be integrated you have to configure your config.php before install to have your WP specific data in it (there is a portion near bottom) and then install bbPress in the same MySQL database regardless of where the physical files actually reside (your case /blog/ and /forum/).}

    // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.

    // If you’re not, just leave it as it is.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘;; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // Example: ‘;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘;; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // Example: ‘;

    /* Stop editing */

    I already have WordPress installed in my public_html directory in a folder named blog.

    Above, I put in examples of how to fill-in ‘examples’

    Apparently it would be wp_home =

    and wp_siteurl =

    Apparently, only the WordPress has to have the bottom portion filled-in?

    If this is correct then I would have to fill-in bottom portion of the WordPress config.php and FTP it before I reinstalled bbPress.

    [regardless of where the physical files actually reside]

    I was thinking of the physical storage of the files.

    [Does that make sense?]

    I think so.



    I have read through phpAdmin Quick Install at

    It reads Extract files

    Untar or unzip the distribution (be sure to unzip the subdirectories):

    tar -xzvf phpMyAdmin-2.*.*.*.tar.gz

    in your web server’s document root.

    When I login to my server using WinSCP to connect my server via SSH, there is a button with / to connect to the root directory. When I click the button it displays / <root>

    The documentation recommends phpMyAdmin should be installed in the root directory (document root).

    I already have WordPress installed in my public_html directory in a folder named blog, which isn’t a database nor is it my root directory (document root).

    WordPress is up and running.

    [Then just install your bbPRess in the same database as WP.]

    Where on my web server is the database you are referring?

    Are you referring to the database files portion of the bbPress and WordPress installation?

    [You can have the forum installed wherever, I was talking about having bbPress and WP in the same database.]

    I can have WordPress installed in my public_html directory in a folder named blog.

    I can have bbPress installed in my public_html directory in a folder named forum.

    I apologize for my confusion.



    [If you plan on integrating WP and bbPress, it is best to have a running copy of WP up and going.]

    I already have WordPress up and running.

    [Then just install your bbPRess in the same database as WP. WordPress will have the database prefix of wp_ and bbPress with bb_]

    I have WordPress installed in my public_html directory in a directory named blog

    Do you mean install bbPress in the blog directory?

    In other words, don’t create a separate directory forum to install bbPress?

    I think I want mywebsitedomainname/blog and mywebsitedomainname/forum to be separate urls

    But to integrate WordPress with bbPRess do they have to have the same url?


    On a separate note

    I should be able to use WinSCP to login to my server via SSH, then access my database with a MySQL login, then drop the bb_ tables from the failed bbPress install.

    I imagine this could be done through the WinSCP Console

    I realize the phpAdmin is a more user friendly interface than the WinSCP Console.

    I sent an e-mail to my web hosting support, but they haven’t responded.



    Hi Trent:

    [You don’t have WP installed somewhere do you?]

    Actually, I installed WordPress blog 2.2 first. It installed on the first try.

    I have WordPress 2.2 installed in my public_html directory.

    I haven’t customized or begun blogging with WordPress blog 2.2 yet.

    I decided to use bbPress for my forum Discussion software, but the install failed.

    I want to set it up and implement it first.

    [There is a plugin that adds the newest phpMyAdmin as an admin page for WP. Lifesaver for me since I don’t like logging into my host admin and then phpMyAdmin and then working. I just login to WP and do what I want.]

    What is the plugin?

    Where is the plugin download?

    Is it tricky installing the phpMyAdmin plugin?

    If I go this route do I have to or should I integrate WordPress 2.2 with bbPress?




    [Best bet would be for you host to install it for you since that is what almost 100% of good hosts do.]

    Then I don’t have a good web hosting service.

    I am reading through phpAdmin Quick Install at

    I received the following from my web hosting support.

    <public_html IS your document root.

    MySQL v. 4.0.25 is running on my server

    PHP Safemode is off by default.>

    <You can also login to the server via ssh and connect to the database from a shell prompt.>

    I installed WinSCP to login to my server via SSH.

    Can I access my php database through Console using the WinSCP?

    In other words, is phpAdmin a more friendly interface access my php database?



    I received the following from my web hosting service support.

    [As with everything in computing it never gets easier, just harder. PhPMyAdmin is not installed on the servers but you can install it on your account if you wish to use it. You can also login to the server via ssh and connect to the database from a shell prompt. Use the drop table <tablename> command for each table to remove them.]

    I went to

    The latest stable version is phpMyAdmin 2.10.2.

    phpMyAdmin supports themes since version 2.6.0.

    Are phpMyAdmin themes a more user friendly interface to Admin a php database?

    I sent an e-mail to my web hosting serice support to determine which version of php is on my server.

    My web hosting service is running Unix servers.

    I am running Windows 200o Professional on my computer.

    [You can also login to the server via ssh and connect to the database from a shell prompt.]

    I found OpenSSH Windows at

    I guess I could use either PuTTY or TTSSH software to login to my server via ssh.

    [Use the drop table <tablename> command for each table to remove them.]

    I have a MYSQL book and a php book, which should help me.

    Thanks a response in advance.



    [What’s the thought? That posts should be editable indefinitely?]


    If not, then perhaps a day.

    Sometimes you later find information while you are waiting for a reply, which could better explain your problem.



    Does clicking the ‘RSS feed for this topic’ link give this topic more exposure outside this forum?

    It apears that a post on this forum is able to be edited for up to an hour, which is the default setting in the config.php file.

    On another forum of a different nature, the posts are able to be edited indefinitely, which can come in handy rather than creating another post.

    Just a thought.

    I like the ‘This topic is one of your favorites’ feature.



    I logged into my account at my web hosting service, but I don’t find how to access phpMyAdmin or another tool to get rid of the old tables from my orginal install.

    I have sent an e-mail to my web hosting service support.

    Thank you for your response to my inquiry.



    Someone else had a similar problem.

    I have deleted the old bbpress on my server bcuz it wouldnt work and i cleared out all my database and uploaded the new version of bbpress. now after i install and try to do anything all it says is “Already Installed. Try Upgrading.” nothing works at all.

    Hope someone can help me. thanks!


    Posted 3 weeks ago #



    I wasn’t even able to login into admin from my orginal install.

    Therefore I FTPed into my server and deleted all the files.

    I edited the config.php again.

    I FTPed all the files again.

    I am using a Unix server.

    ‘BBDB_HOST’ is ‘localhost’

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