Yes Stephen and thanks. It was that. Strangely, I had to first set it back to default permlinks and save it and then set it to ‘Month/Name’ and save it again so it re-writes it back to the htaccess file to get it to work. Originally I had permlinks set to ‘Month/Name’ but obviously BBPress doesn’t pick this up on activation it seems and thus resetting permanent links is required. Interesting. Thanks.
Sorry.. Trying bbpress for the first time. Its a Completely board with no data.
Yes tried that and I didn’t make any difference. I also tried different browsers and again it made difference unfortunately.
I’ve just upgraded wordpress to 3.8 and the problem persists. Other than the bbPress plugin I only have 2 others in my install: wp-no-category-base and google-sitemap-generator. I have tried disabling these and it makes no difference.