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In reply to: turn off bullets just for bbpress
OK, in the absence of any input, I’ve been firebug fishing for a way of selectively removing all the bullets from bbpress, but not from my main theme. To the the next guy or girl who searches for a resolution to this, I hope this works for you too – it has finally brought me success.
#bbpress-forums ul > li:before
content: none;
}In reply to: turn off bullets just for bbpressHey Nathan,
Thanks for helping out. If you paste this entry into your hosts file:
, you’ll see the Forum at:
just dont use the www. As you can see, each entry is peppered with bullets. Thanks again for your input.
In reply to: turn off bullets just for bbpressThere’s a url for the screenshot here:
In reply to: turn off bullets just for bbpressnope….
OK – here is some of the code from firebug. :#bbpress-forums ul {
list-style: none outside none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#bbpress-forums li {
list-style: none outside none;
margin: 0;
These are the styles that I would have thought controlled the bulleting of lists but the code seems to already indicate no style for the unordered lists?
I have tried adding both:list-style: none;
list-style: none !important;and:
list-style: none outside none !important;to all of the #bbpress style entries that I can find (only in firebug preview, not actual changes) but the little blighters remain steadfast.
In reply to: turn off bullets just for bbpressI tried to screenshot it because I’ve set it up behind a hosts entry. here we go again:
In reply to: turn off bullets just for bbpressI’ve tried to post a screenshot but the img function seems to be a bit sticky??
In reply to: Get rid of "Private: " text in front of forum TitleGreat, thanks Royho.
In reply to: Get rid of "Private: " text in front of forum TitleHey John,
I’m facing the exact same problem and wondering if you reviewed it in 2.2? Is there a less brutal method of removal?