Hi. I’m not sure if it’s OK to resurrect an old thread, but I keep getting stuck when trying to convert from Simple Press to bbPress and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. The forum has ~2,000 topics and ~60,000 posts.
The conversion fails at a different point each time – forums and topics get converted, but replies stalls at around 4,000 – sometimes more, sometimes less. I tried raising the value in _bbp_converter_start but it made no significant difference. Between each import attempt I reset the bbPress forum (/wp-admin/tools.php?page=bbp-reset). My server is OK (Linode 2GB VPS, and I’m not getting any alerts that it’s overloaded).
One other thing I can’t ever get to work is “Purge all information from a previously attempted import”. I’ve let it run for over 48 hours in the past, and it was “Deleting previously converted data” with a number up into the tens of millions before I gave up on the process, and never actually starts converting. Has anyone else experienced similar issues?